Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Update... After Falling Back Off the Serenity Train

Lately I have been visiting two support forums...

They both have been immensely helpful...

I am glad to hear from a few people on these forums that I am not the only one going through this. Well I feel bad that they are going through what I am going through, but I feel better that I am not alone...

I had to distance myself from my parents, right? It's almost like instead of them dying and leaving me an orphan, it feels like something inside of me died. And it's sort of like, instead of my parents dying, I let them go, and they are dead to me in a way. Still pretty harsh, right?

So I saw my therapist a couple of times. One of the things he said to me was that this was a healthy decision for me. No doubt about it. The other thing he said was that my intentions were honourable. I was doing this to protect myself. The other thing was, I was not a bad person. Also, there isn't anything I can do about my mother; she is what she is and she refuses to change and I can't change that, so I will have to learn not to dwell on that. He told me to repeat those sorts of statements to myself when I meditate.

It may be a necessary step, but it's a really hard one. Parents tell us things that get stuck in our heads as a way of thinking. We didn't just think it, we lived and breathed it. My therapist explained it this way: even if you know logically that it was not your fault and you had to close them out and walk away just so you could survive and live a healthy life, there is still some kind of recording playing the background (subconscious) that is whispering to you that your healthy choices were
wrong, and that you are a bad person, and that you should feel shame and guilt. So in order to combat this in myself, he suggested I try those positive statements I mentioned earlier, and repeat them, and make my subconscious eventually accept this as habit and truth instead of all the crap that I was raised on. That's gonna take some doing, but I am willing to try anything right now.

It took me years to finally say "ENOUGH!" and I have felt a level of peace I have never had before, but still somewhere deep inside I feel like a jerk. I worry if I did the right thing. I have people who support me, but I don't think they quite understand the turmoil. It's like I logically know that it was healthy to break off from them but I feel something isn't quiet agreeing with my logic...

RECENT NIGHTMARE -- It was post-apocalyptic. Something was wrong with the sky. The moon was out, through the window. I was alone in what I perceived to be my childhood house growing up, and in the dream I might have been around 10 years old. I was scared in this dark house, and it looked trashed, and the garage had the car in it, but my brothers and parents were gone. I kept looking for them but I couldn't find them. Then there was these army-type men intent on rescuing survivors (had night gear on so they could see in the dark, had big guns, boots, helmets, masks, etc)... They came smashing through the house trying to rescue me, because apparently it's not safe to stay long in the houses on the ground in the area where I was abandoned (or survived or whatever reason I was alone). But there was Someone in the house with us. I had always thought there was someone watching me, always fearful. It was less of a Someone and more of a Something. It wanted to eat flesh. It attacked all the army men, amazingly strong, grabbed their legs out from under them and dragged them into dark corners and blood was everywhere. All you could see was another child's arm around one of their throats, or braided hair or a silhouette of a girl about my age. I was so scared I ran into this little bitty crawl-space or little tiny closet, where I was jammed into a little box of a room with the door only about an inch from my face. This girl smashed her arm through the thin wood causing splinters to fly and I just gave up then, and shoved the door back and stuck my arm out for her to bite or grab. But she never grabbed it. She disappeared. Those men who tried to rescue me were all dead and I was alone....

Strange, eh? When I look at it now, I am wondering, was that other little girl (who didn't look like me) my mother? Or my other side of me? Strange that she didn't want to hurt me, but yet wouldn't let me get rescued either. Interesting...

Then, like many of these times that I wake up from a bad dream lately, I then cannot shut off my brain.  Immediately a painful or embarrassing or humiliating memory jumps in there from my past.  Sometimes it seems like quite a shock that I will remember things because...  I honestly thought I had completely forgotten these times.  They aren't as bad as when I was recalling times where I was molested, but they are still enough to make me cringe and make me feel down and aggravate me.  

My psychologist thinks that these memories are coming to the surface for a reason.  Now that I have relaxed somewhat on the Cipralex and with the meditative breathing and such, my brain apparently is deciding that now I can deal with those rough times in the past that I kind of swept under the carpet because I could not handle them at the time they occurred.  So my therapist suggested that I try to reminisce about the past during the day, when I had more control, and to give myself some time to allow myself to be emotional if need be, and to also give myself some time to get back to relaxation before I have to go somewhere like work, or before bed.  So I am taking the opportunity now...

I remember I was in elementary school, it must have been mid-grade around 5 or 6, because this memory was on the side of the school with the younger kids.  The older kids were always on the other side of the school ground and went in the doors there after recess.  I am somewhat confused about the time, because I thought we were in grade 6 or 7, so it is possible that I just happened to be on the other side of the school ground for some reason that I can't recall.

So two older boys from my class confronted me.  It wasn't pleasant.  One of them was a boy who liked the only girlfriend I had.  I remember she had asked me at a party we had been invited to, should she go out with this boy?   She said to me she didn't feel attracted to this boy, but that she liked him and didn't want to hurt his feelings.  She asked me if I was faced with the same decision, would I date this boy or not?  I said well if she didn't really like him, and dated him anyway, it wouldn't be real, and it would be a lie.  So she thanked me for talking to me and apparently turned this boy down.

Well either she told him she had talked to me about it, or he saw her talking to me.  So he and his friend wanted to get some information out of me.  He asked me what I had told her.  I can't remember what I said, I don't even know if I answered.  I just remember feeling afraid as his friend pinned me up against the building (all the other students and teachers had gone into the building because the bell had rung)...   And they were both very close to me, very close.  Too close.

I was wearing winter boots at the time, and they were the "moon boots" with the really big sole about an inch thick or more.  I hauled off and kicked the boy who was interrogating me.  

Later he showed me the huge scab I had caused on the front of his leg.  I might have even apologized, but I noticed I didn't get heck from the teachers, so he hadn't told on me.  So I didn't really feel very bad, because I literally had been frightened about what those two boys were going to do to me.

I think that is enough for today.  I will now listen to some music and calm my thoughts a bit...

Friday, August 12, 2011

So Called "Help" Sites: How to tell the difference between the FAKE help and the NEEDED help...

I must update this Post....  lol  Thank you Violet, I needed that reminder...

How to tell the real help from the fake (and not just the Dr. Phil's of the world, who aren't really licensed psychologists but have TV shows and the like):
10 Ways to Find a Good Therapist

Find a Therapist: or

Helpful info:

Basically if you aren't sure, or you get a bad feeling, the best place to check would be whatever your local board or association of psychology/psychiatric/therapists is called. If you just have a therapist who is under-trained, inexperienced, or doesn't have any expertise in your area of need, look elsewhere. Remember to ASK for specifics when you're shopping around: are they licensed, how many years have they been working, what is their area of expertise? Do they know anything about dysfunctional families, enmeshment, narcissism. Can they resist society's pressure to view the mother as sacred? Can they empower you, can they give you some help with your confidence and assertiveness? Can they refer you to other resources? Do they seem to help you, or do you just find yourself going back again and again and not getting anywhere?

You are the consumer, you are paying for a service. You have the right to ask questions, and you have the right to stop treatment with someone that you don't think is helping you.

Here are some notorious names you need to protect yourself from...
PS: you can also do a google search on "Fake Psychologist" or "Fake Psychiatrist" and you will come across plenty of news articles of people who faked credentials.

Sam Vaknin: poses as a support for Narcissism in various online groups, is a published author, etc... But also has admitted and been diagnosed as being a Psychopath. He is associated with a female follower called Femfree. He definitely has a very unique point of view, and is happy to share his own life experiences on the subject, but be careful not to take everything he says to heart: he is NOT a psychologist or a doctor in the medical sense. He is a highly accomplished Narcissist, but some of what he writes are his own OPININONS, and not necessarily proven or tested in the psychological or medical community. My advice would be to avoid him completely.

Here are some links giving information on Sam Vaknin:

Sites he or Femfree are on:

Sam Vaknin
From Enpsychopedia
In one of his repetitively & compulsivelye posted online articles, Vaknin reveals in his own words the reason he really runs the Narcissism 'Support' Groups all over the net and so on....
"There is nothing to be learned from the answers to these questions because each individual has her own threshold. No, I simply enjoy the momentary ability to inflict traumatic pain (emotional pain - I am not the physical type and will never harm a woman physically). It is as close as I can get to omnipotence. It is the perfect gender revenge.'...

"As a Jew I would have done the same to Nazis. As a victim of a woman, I celebrate with unrestrained glee my ability to degrade women, to humiliate them, to frustrate them, to make them beg for life itself, for they see their (often imagined) relationship with me as life itself. This is why I abstain from sex. This is why I dazzle them with my intellect and charm and wit and knowledge, with unprecedented intrusive interest in their petty, boring, housewivish lives - and then I let go abruptly. At this stage, they are so brittle, so vulnerable that they crash to a million shreds with the crystalline sound of agony."

PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION; please take the time to make up your own mind about the following... I just want to make sure you are aware of these things in case (because of our upbringing) we show a blindspot to some behaviours:

If you ever come across Barbara Mentor, Antoinette Hdic, or Nikki Lebron be advised that although they have many resources and encourage to gather knowledge about Narcissistic Mothers, they have been known to make personal attacks on people.

EXTREME CAUTION:  - Barbara Mentor has made plenty of personal attacks on people who say they are trying to decide on whether to go LC or NC. On some of the groups I have been on, or some of the others, she is not told to stop by the admin staff, but is allowed to run rampant and pretty much run the site as well as make it her personal crusade to bully people into becoming NC. For her it's NC or the highway, although ironically she is apparently still in contact with her Narcissistic husband. Aliases: Camwell, Ness
WARNING: Watch out everyone, I got word from another group that Barbara Mentor has a new group at DoNM Freedom! (Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers)  -- she's hacked into a members of other groups.  This is what Barbara Mentor does when you aren't loyal to her group only...  She hacks your Facebook account...  Barbara Mentor (AKA Barbara Camwell Ness) has been seen in several other groups as members, as well.  She is posting links as Barbara Victim-Survivor.  She has been the cause of groups closing down completely.  She ingratiates herself with some group members by posting huge amounts of useful/helpful information, and also communicates with them in Private Messages and if you don't do what she wants she uses intimidation, shame, and other tactics.  Some of her flying monkeys/associates feel as strongly as her about bullying people to leave their Narcissistic Mother, even when they are not ready to do so.  She will say they are stupid or question their intelligence, or make them feel bad for not leaving right away.  She seems to forget that she is married to a N man.  Somehow she forgets that a daughter leaving an N mother has to have a plan, has to have confidence in herself, has to convince herself she is not a bad daughter for protecting herself, etc: it's a different amount of time for different people.  Some women/children of N mothers actually have to save up money, or move to a woman's shelter.  Some have to get protection orders or move away secretly.  Some fear that their mothers will take their children away from them.  My youngest brother stopped communicating with my parents years before I stopped.  He didn't hold a grudge against me for that.  No one, not Barbara, not your N mother, nobody should tell you to do things you aren't ready to do.

Some more info: caution -- MAY CAUSE TRIGGERS: I think (from some of the information I've been reading) Mary McGrannahan was an unfortunate victim of identity theft and now Barb uses her name and not sure about Sherri Mitchell as there are pictures on the links below and on this site that are identical?? (thanks for that info Melissa)... But here are some more links regarding Barbara Mentor/Barbara Victim-Survivor/Camwell/Ness/Mary/Sherri or whoever's names she's using: same stuff comes up on all websites I've Googled - this person is a hacker, is in trouble with the law for Identity Theft and Fraud and is a psychopath (among some even more unsavory information): I think (from some of the information I've been reading) Mary McGrannahan was an unfortunate victim of identity theft and now Barb uses her name and probably Sherri Mitchell's... (please be advised that some are secure sites and you may have to copy and paste them into a new browser as they will not easily go from Facebook) --- -- -- -- (dead link now) -- -- -- -- --

Sounds about as bad as Sam Vaknin, if you ask me!

Nikki Lebron and Antoinette Hdic: they are sisters. They shut down their Facebook group without warning anyone... Left several hundred members floundering and panicking... It all stemmed from when they, the administrators of their group, very publicly humiliated and smeared Barbara Mentor all over their Facebook Group's wall before unceremoniously banning her from the group. It sent a lot of insecure group members into high alert and stress, and several members left before the group was killed off by the very women that made it. Nikki has her own website at I am not saying do not go to this site, I am just letting you know what happened to me (and possibly others). I was banned from this website because I sent a private message on FB to them stating that I was not impressed by their methods and that it made it look like our support group was perpetuating Narcissistic behaviour. I did not publicly smear them on the FB wall. But I was booted off that website. No explanation. When I emailed back Antoinette to ask if there was a mistake I received no reply. When I attempted to join again I am not responded to. So that was the end of my association with the above ladies mentioned.
Hopefully if you ever happen to meet up with them or use the same support forums you do not encounter this behaviour. Hopefully your experience will be better than mine and several others.
Danu and Light of:
  It has come to my attention recently that several people have been banned for no reason (over the years), or banned for saying they believe in God or whatever religion they are proud to be a part of. I have never been a member of that group, however I have several postings/resources in our Files regarding Narcissism... I did not post things I did not agree with on that website (some of which are contained in the links below), I only posted things that I thought might be helpful to the group...

Here are some people's own testimony/opinion/experience with that website.

If you get any more names, please feel free to add them here in the comments...