Monday, June 9, 2008

Mother... Again

I've been having bad dreams about mother...

I dreamt I was in our house for supper. T and his wife and child happened to be over for a home-cooked meal at our house (David's & mine).

Mother came over unannounced. I opened the door, and explained that I couldn't talk right now as we were having company. She inquired who was there, and I said it was no one they knew but they were good friends of ours (mine & David's).

At this point, mother thought it was my brother R, and pushed past me into our dining room, where T and his family & David were eating at our diningroom table.

"Uh, hello, mom," I said after following her into the room. I saw her looking a bit stunned and embarrased because everyone at the table had stopped what they were doing and were staring at her. So I thought I would introduce them all.

"Mom, this is T who, among other things, is a research psychologist who also works with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This is his wife (forgive me, can't remember precise title) who studies brain injuries." I paused for effect: I crossed my arms and looked directly at her and said, "And I am currently studying Antisocial Behaviour and Cognitive Dysfunction." At this point she turned around, flustered and I walked her back to the door.

She then claimed she had only needed to use the phone, which I mentioned I thought was quite odd that she had found it necessary to come all the way out to the opposite end of the city to use a phone. I offered her my cell phone, and even dialed for her (she claimed her landline phone wasn't working so I called SaskTel 611 Landline Repair for her).

While she was talking to the customer service representative, she started walking away from the house with my cell. I did not want to walk with her to the car (where dad happened to be waiting, with the dog, lol) because I was afraid she would try to abduct me or try to convince me to come away with her in the car.

"Um, can I please have my cell phone back," I asked politely and gestured for her to come back up the walk to where I stood in the doorway waiting for my phone. But instead she merely threw the phone toward me, turned and got into the car and left. Apparently she didn't notice the cell phone lying smashed on the sidewalk.

"By the way, that will be $350!" I called out to her...

Then I woke up...

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