Friday, May 21, 2010

The latest insanity

I found out a few weeks ago that my mother apparently screamed and yelled at Gramma's 90th Birthday/Reunion and accused all the Cs (my dad's family) of being against her...

Then she made a play to forgive and forget the whole thing...

Then she accused my aunt D and the rest of the family of misleading them, and in an email sounding like she was a lawyer, she demanded emails from the past to explain what had happened...

So then D did provide the emails and my mom exonerated her, but pointed fingers at several other people in the family.

I had heard only a minor tidbit about this from my mother's point of view. It was recently that Mary (another aunt) mentioned something to Robin, and then Robin got the full story from D who had been with-holding telling me or him because she didn't want to claim any responsibility for causing issues between Robin, me and my mom.

I advised her it's okay, it's not her fault (not my aunt D's fault) as I understand this is weird... But it really did affect me... I couldn't sleep that night and had to call in sick...

I've started my vacation right now... a whole week off, because I don't think I can stand another week at work with all this on my mind.

I had in the past wanted to remove my name from the title of the house, but now my parents are moving to BC... Funny, first mom said they bought a house a while ago, and then I found out that they bought a house three years ago... Interesting...

Anyway, as in the past, my mother again tried to explain in a very excitable manner in high pitched fervor that if I stayed on the title, it would benefit me and my husband in the long run as well as her and dad. If I removed my name from the lease, she again stated that I would lose and her and dad would lose thousands and thousands of dollars... However that didn't sound right to me. How could removing my name cost them money?

So I asked my dad if I could have their real estate lawyer's name... Because, truthfully, I needed an affidavit signed stating that I (Holly Freeman) am the same person as on the title (Holly C)... Dad gave me the name of Cindy H. So my husband and I went to see her and she straightened us out... The only way my mother's way could work was if we were all on SEPARATE titles, but we are all together on ONE title. So I WON'T cost ANYONE thousands of dollars. So now, after I explained this to my mom and dad in an email, my mom got all paranoid asking why I did all this behind her back, and I explained that I've wanted my name off the title for years.... And everytime I asked mom about it she got all hyper and confused me even more...

So my mom says that she would be HAPPY to go with me to a real estate lawyer if I insisted, but I happen to know that is the furthest thing from the truth. If I hadn't gone, then nothing would have happened because she would get into my face and accuse me of not trusting her, etc.... Just like she is now...

So, I think because my dad and her were BOTH on the phone, she had to behave... It's not like she could lie right in front of him... Anyway, she SAYS she is fine with signing the papers that need to be signed, although she whined about having to pay to get a re-assessment on the house. But as my psychologist and my husband both reminded me; I don't owe HER anything. She didn't give me full disclosure for one thing...

If you ask me, she is treading on pretty uneven ground right now and really needs to be treating this whole situation with kid gloves, or else I will also stop talking to her, as Robin has done. I feel a bit fake about being all nice to her face but until those documents are signed, I don't want her to feel threatened. Because I don't know what she will do if she feels threatened. You would think she would feel more threatened if she DIDN'T sign the papers, but she is not the most rational human being I know...

In the following emails, hopefully this will outline some of the things I've gone through the last couple of months... (see above)

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