Wednesday, July 14, 2010


It felt like
the weight of the ocean
yet weightless
just below the oxygen

Tide pulling and pushing
whichever way

Dead coral sinking into
salt from red blood
mixing with the blue laconic sea
until it appeared dissolved and dispersed

Sunlight may have been coming through the surface
It might have been beautiful

Just not sure if my eyes were seeing
or if I could hear anything other than water hitting the beach
a slow muted heartbeat

Hanging there
like a reverse jellyfish
feeling stinging from everywhere
on a skinless transparent body

Finally washed up on shore
a pile of bones
Almost forgot I had them

So stripped bare
washed clean
so bleached by sun
left to the elements
that even the scavengers
didn't nibble on me...

What was left of my soul
sensed somehow
another skeleton beside me
blank eyes in a white skull
jaw slack

I reached out with what I could
and somehow relayed

Don't worry, love
We will be able to embrace
Once the flesh grows back

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