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Jan 24, 2008 - Feb 14-15, 2008
-- Jan 24, 2008: The rainbow around the child is my interpretation of the Seven Chakras It is a barrier of protection between the child and that which is trying to harm her. That is a drawing of myself in grade 4, I believe, so I would have been 8 years old when the picture was taken. Meditation helps me invision a white layer of protection around me, as though I were a yolk protected inside a membrane like an egg. I suppose if one had a rich enough fantasy life, one could hide behind that, if nothing else, to prevent the harshest of realities such as guilt, shame, fear and anger from overtaking one's soul and spirit.
-- Feb 4-5, 2008: Here is a similar Rod of Asclepius, only this time the Rose & Snake are melded together and encircle the Primary Feather of an Albatross. The Rose and the Snake are integrated, but the feather points it's sharp quill to the snake's head. The Rose can also of course be the symbol of Christ or the Collective Sacred, and the Snake of course can also symbolize Satan, or the Collective Evil. I am still trying to work out what the Quill means: it is used to write with, so it could be a symbol for "The pen is mightier than the sword" or, more simply put, the written word keeps balance or keeps evil at bay; but at the same time, the Opposites (Good & Evil) are integrated, so if one is abolished, then so is the other... I still haven't figured out why I drew this one, although it spun off from the poem I wrote originally...
I suppose if you were going to look at the rose/snake as Good/Evil or Masculine/Feminine or then you could say that the feather (or the written word or history) of either could have been either just barely balanced or threatening both... Because really, does anyone actually know the accuracy of history? History is how someone perceived something and how it was recorded according to that perception.
Originally, I did a poem about my father and mother: dad was the feather, mother was the dragon. They both seemed quite dissimilar, however they both needed each other. So my mother is the Dragon, my father is the Quill, and I am the Rose. And it's odd, because I don't think of my mother as a wise, understanding, caring dragon, but one of those Fallen who has been affected by some great malady of the soul. LOL But perhaps I shouldn't see her as all wounded, because then I would be doing what she does to everyone else! LOL She must have a "healing physician" side, but if she does, it must be getting dragged down by her wounded side that she tries to hide all the time.
-- Feb 12, 2008: For some, the monsters are real: See, Hear, Speak - give abused or neglected children a voice. Just thought I'd try my hand out at something serious for a change... I tried to draw these from pictures I pulled off the internet: I added the blindfold to the little girl in the first panel, the background with the little boy in the second panel, and combined the hand and the face in the last one (they weren't together in the original). I'm obviously out of practise! But they're pretty decent drawings. It would probably be more effective to take photos because these don't seem real enough as drawings. The picture of the last child, is again my school picture. That action of a hand covering my mouth actually did happen. I had a strange sense of euphoria when I drew that... As though "There! There it is! SEE?! This happened to me, and THERE IT IS! HA! I SAID IT!"
-- Feb 14-15: I originally made these for Chelsey, a friend of mine, for a tattoo. But instead I am going with a more simple design for her, as she would prefer it. I really liked the idea of the Turtle. I believe a turtle symbolizes wisdom, experience, patience, strength, ability to adapt to more than one element (earth & water), steadfast & steady, symmetry/balance, grounded, strength/sturdiness, self-protected, comfortable and at home where ever it travels, takes its time to get to its destination & enjoys the journey.
Those, of course, are its good attributes. If I were to think of it's Other Side: when its world is turned upside down, it can't right itself - it needs help. Also sometimes it might be a little too self-sufficient and it can't let anyone else into its house. And who knows how long before some important information gets through that thick shell??
Feb 18th 2008: Here are the finished tattoos for Chelsey... She prefers the Green Sea Turtle shape and she wanted the rose inside the carapace. I initially thought that would be too difficult to try to put the intricate pattern of a rose into the intricate pattern of a turtle shell. But her email with samples of what she was looking for really helped.
I like it too because now the Rose is part of the Shell, which seems to give the symbol of the Rose a measure of permanency and strength. And for some reason it makes more sense to have a Femine symbol resting on an Aquatic symbol, ie: birth, baptism, change, flow. This kind of turtle travels on a Journey or Pilgrimage, a Search. Salt water is healing and soothing on calm days, warm in the tropics; yet at times it can be fathomless and treacherous in storms and hurricanes, frigid & numbing in the Arctic regions. The Ocean is almost a living being, the Earth's opposite. It is a home to those who find comfort in its ebb & flow.

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