Wednesday, September 3, 2008


My inner Analyst is sitting there watching my 2 other selves...

The Analyst-Self watches the Self who is made of Stone. Stone-Self doesn't feel much of anything. Stuff bounces off her, and she's incredibly hard to crack. Only thing is, once she is cracked or a piece breaks off, it can't be fixed. The Analyst notices some stress lines.

Encased inside the Stone-Self, is the Water-Self. She's a mess. She's drowning in everything that's pouring into her little cell from all the little stress fractures in the Stone-Self. She's encased in this little stone prison, and she can barely breathe. She's frantically clawing at the side of the Stone-Self, trying to keep her head above water, trying not to drown. But all the humidity and rising tide is choking her. 

The Analyst notices her struggles and wonders if this will cause the Stone-Self to crumble more quickly. 

And what will happen if the Water-Self drowns? If the water builds up enough will this kill her and then cause the Stone-Self to crumble inward completely? The Analyst wonders also...  

Someone is apparently aware of her as well. Another Self watches the Analyst and smiles a bemused, wry smile.

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