Friday, September 14, 2012


How to become the GC--assuming you want to.
contributed by R.B. in our Daughters Recovering From Narcissistic Mothers Facebook Group

I was a GC growing up. Sometimes the GC's are also N's. I wasn't. I've actually always had a very low opinion of myself. But I was the GC as opposed to my SC brother, who ironically thinks very well of himself. He didn't bow to the games. If something was going on that was absolutely whack, he'd voice his disapproval of it. That's why he was the SC. I am now the family outcast, because I stopped putting up with the bull, and began calling people out on it. N's can't stand that. I have another brother who was GC in childhood, and is still one today because he makes excuses for NM and will defend her at all costs. My sister is, and was, pretty much the IC--Invisible Child. She got lost in the shuffle.

Here are the rules that allow a GC to remain one, in good standing:

1. Never need anything. Don't draw attention to yourself in any way. Never complain when you are deprived of something, especially when it's for a noble cause--such as, the N needs to spend the money on herself, which leaves none to spend on you. This is why you go to school in shabby outdated clothes, only allowed to bathe once a week because hot water and grooming supplies cost too much money, bravely facing ridicule from your peers. Meanwhile the budget for the grownups' beer and cigarettes is always unlimited, even if it means confiscating the money Grandma gave you for your birthday. There is nothing wrong with this. Remember--you have no needs.

2. You are not allowed your own opinion. If you express any thought at all, it must echo whatever the N thinks. Anything contrary to that, and you'll be accused of "talking back," also known as "being a smart-aleck." No punishment is too severe for such a heinous crime. You can be slapped in the face so hard your nose bleeds, but remember it's YOUR fault, because you "got smart" and deserved it.

3. You must learn to read minds. When the rules change at a moment's notice, you go along with it, without mentioning that the rules were different only this morning. You must know instinctively whether the behavior that was applauded yesterday will be shot down today, simply because N is in a bad mood. Asking first will get you scorned and scolded for not using your own head, while sometimes thinking for yourself will get you praise for taking the initiative, and other times it will get you punished for not asking first. You must always know instinctively which rule will apply in what situation, this time.

4. Show no negative emotions at all, under any circumstances. If you're a baby, be one of those "good" babies who "almost never cries." If you're older, remember that the definition of "good" is still "almost never cries." So don't. When things are chaotic, don't react to it. Sit quietly in a corner and read a book. Even if you happen to be sitting on a rattlesnake, let it bite you without complaint.

5. Always remember: Do as the N says, not as the N does.

Adhering perfectly to all of these rules, at all times, will ensure your GC status.

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The Hardest Battle
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Like a narcissistic Golden Child does. related links: the golden child's child --
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The Narcissist - A Golden Child Without Limits
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by Frances Cohen Praver, Ph.D.
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