Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 3... Do I Feel Indifferent or Disgusted?

I am trying to figure out what it is I am feeling right now.

Not really feeling terrible or anything.  But something down in the depths stirs a little bit today.  I sort of have this strange feeling of indifference mixed with mild disgust.  Why?  Because I am trying to right more events about my cousin messing with me.

I know he was quite young when this started.  Definitely not a man yet.  But I hate it when my mom says "He's just a boy," and then launches into all the reasons I should feel sorry for him, or forgive him, or whatever.   Same with another aunt of his/mine.  *sigh*

So another memory that is hard to get out of my head because it's pretty much burned in there...  Is the day he stood with me on the stairs at my grandmother's house.    I think I had some kind of toy on the stairs.  My brothers had gone somewhere else, and I was playing alone.  I might be mixing up more than one memory, I'm not sure.  

He asked me if I knew what a "screw" was.  The only thing I could think of was a screwdriver, like a tool.  He said to go with him because he wanted to show me what he was talking about.

I don't know exactly how he convinced me to get into his bed in his room.  I think I had my shirt off.  I don't remember if I had my pants off.  But I was warm under his blankets.  I can't remember if he put his fingers down my underwear, I can't remember much of anything like that.  I remember the light coming through his basement windows, and wood paneling.  I remember his blankets, and he laid on top of me and I wasn't sure what he was doing to me.  He wasn't penetrating me or anything.  

I needed to get up to use the washroom.  He wouldn't let me go.  He kept pressing on my abdomen and that was decidedly uncomfortable since my bladder was quite full.  He kept telling me no, wait.  No stay here.  He almost snarled it at me.  I was thinking he was being ridiculous not letting me get up, because I might pee the bed.  It turned out he was masturbating against me, or dry-humping me, or whatever you want to call it.  I didn't really feel him ejaculate all over me, because it was warm.  It wasn't until I got out from the blankets and felt the air against this wetness all over the side of me.  There was a lot.  I was quite puzzled and somewhat grossed out.  I asked, "What IS this??"  And he just looked guilty or embarrassed and said, "I don't know." 

I ran discreetly across the hallway past the laundry room to the little bathroom.  I think it took nearly three rolls of toilet paper, if not more.  I tried to get as much as I could off with that and then I think I might have even tried a washcloth.

I don't remember what happened after that.  I think it was close to supper time as I seem to remember my mom's voice calling to me from upstairs somewhere, and I answered her about something.  I don't remember if he told me not to tell anyone, but I must not have said anything...  All I remember, ending off that memory, is me wiping and wiping this sticky gluey substance from around my back, to down my side to around the front of me.  I might have been angry, but it was because I had to use so much toilet paper and it was such a mess.  Otherwise, the whole experience is rather vague to me, other than the before and after part.

Not sure what to feel about this memory.  Waiting a bit, closed my eyes even, taking slow deep breaths... 

Deep down, I feel somewhat bad for falling for this curious thing he was describing to me.  But how could I have known what he was going to do to me?   It feels confusing and I feel maybe... Some pain I guess.  Why did he do that to me?  What made him choose me?  Where did he learn that?  Who taught him?  Apparently he might have been groomed for this...  By who, his mom (my alcoholic aunt) or some of her boyfriends?  Where did he get this from? 

Any feeling I concentrate on seems kind of muted.  Not sure if it's because it's so long ago, or if it's something I am not allowing to come out.  I want to stand up and say "Manifest!"  "Show yourself!!"  "What are you, which feeling?"  "Identify yourself!!"

I do want to hit him.  I remember after I figured out this was all wrong wrong wrong.  I climbed a tree in the backyard at my grandparents' house, to hide from him.  Earlier in the week or that day, I think I finally had rejected him.  He was on the ground with my female cousin of the same age as me.  I had rejected him and had seen him taking her into the closet with him this time.  I don't know if he did that all along, I don't know if he did that to get back at me somehow.  I don't know if I was jealous, but I knew it was wrong.  I had knocked on the door of the closet and told them I knew where they were and what they were doing.  Sure enough she comes out and says, "I just have to find my panties."  I think I was angry.  I don't remember what my other cousin who was messing with her said or did or how he looked.  I just remember him walking out from behind her, and I watched her as she looked for her underwear.  I didn't tell on them.  I wasn't sure what to do.

But then later I was up that tree.  I told him I didn't want him near me.  He tried to climb up the tree but I would stomp down on his fingers if he got close to me.  He retreated down again.  I felt triumphant.  I told him if he didn't leave me alone I would tell on him.  He said, "For what?"  And I said, "You know what. For what you and (my female cousin) were doing in the closet."  At which point he tried to hush me and pointed out that gramma was in the kitchen across from the branches I was in.  I said I don't care, so stay away from me.  I think I won that day.  Bastard.  I won!

Still don't know how I feel about it, or why I don't feel much about it right now.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The 2nd day: More Stuff I'd Rather Forget

At least I am not remembering every night and day like I was when I was a child and adolescent.  

I remember being in the middle of an inane activity (school, test, playground, home, friend's house, outside, playing with other kids in the neighbourhood, trying to sleep at night, walking home from school, whatever) and just seemingly random images or thoughts or senses of times where my cousin was with me under a blanket or in a closet.  Made me almost freeze in what I was doing, I think, sometimes.   It was like you'd be walking along an a branch whips you in the face or you step wrong in a hole in the ground or you're minding your own business and a horsefly takes off with a little chunk of your skin...  Abrupt and not pleasant.  Jarring.  Most times I would try to shake it off, try to do something else to distract myself.   Some of the things that seemed to free me of these thoughts were drawing or reading or watching movies or television.  Occupying my mind in some other world away from this one.  I hated it when these images popped into my brain.  I didn't ask for them to come up.  They just did.  I never thought about them long.  They would just be stuffed down, under a carpet somewhere in my brain.  Move on to something else quickly.  Please make it go away.  It made me angry and frustrated if I did think about it, which was why I desperately tried not to.  At some point I think it got easier to override these thoughts.  Pretend they weren't there.  Cover them up.  Listen to music and read the lyrics.  

So...  Next memory please.  Let's make this fast so I can move on to the next indigestible course.   I would so much rather be doing anything else right now.  Drinking my own body fluids for one thing.

Scene cuts back to the closet at gramma's house.  Mom's mom's house.  Winter?  Summer?  It was usually Easter, Christmas, Summer Break, Thanksgiving, some kind of long weekend.  Me, my two brothers, mom and dad would go to Edmonton to visit.  Who was there as long as I can remember?  My two cousins, Ward and Shelley.  Shelley seemed nice.  Artsy and crafty like me.  A teacher now.  Ward...  I don't know what he was the warden of.  He was no protector, that's certain.

Trying to remember how I felt.  It's hard to figure.  It was pitch black in that closet.  We were playing hide and seek (of course).  At some point my cousin had figured out that the closet was so dark that if you didn't move when someone opened the door or tried to bluff and say you were in there (even if they couldn't tell) then they'd likely move on to look for you elsewhere.  It was so dark, I think my younger brothers were probably a bit scared to poke around in there.  Full of black garbage bags filled with clothes on the floor, and a great amount of clothing hanging like a semi-solid cloth wall that was hard to move out of the way. 

It so happened that I went to hide in the closet and so did my cousin while my brothers or other cousins played hide and seek.  I can't remember if he would come in after I would, or if would follow him in.  I don't remember if he said something like, "Come hide with me in the closet."  I just know, somehow, some way, more than once (I don't know how many times, but it was a lot of times), that he and I would be together in this closet.  He would put his hands down my shorts/pants.  He would stimulate me.  He would either ask me (tell me?) to grasp his penis.  I don't remember if I did anything else to it.  I remember feeling the physical pleasure of his fingers on my genital area, or maybe it was just stimulation.  I don't know how to describe it, that I felt some physical pleasure, but I didn't know what to make of it.   I don't remember feeling guilty about it.  I don't remember feeling dirty about it.  That all came later on as I grew up. 

I remember feeling terrible much later, especially during high school.  Horrid.  Disgusting.  What the hell was I thinking?  I don't remember asking myself, "Why did he do this to me?" but more like, "Why did I let him do that to me?"  But mostly I remember trying not to think about it.  Reading reading reading.  Block it out.  Go away.  I sure as hell didn't struggle to get away.  Now I feel bad that I didn't.  I don't think I knew what to feel when I was a child when it was being done to me.  Now, as an adult, I feel some guilt that I didn't kick and scream and tell him not to touch me.  I wish I hadn't been afraid of what would happened to me if I had told.  I thought I would get into trouble again.  I thought I would be punished.  I thought I would not be believed.  I do remember crying a lot, in general, when people didn't believe me about other things.  I felt greatly offended and wounded when I would tell the truth but I was thought to be lying or not knowing what I was talking about.  Sometimes I would even be upset when I did lie and people wouldn't believe me.  Why can my cousin pretend things are fine and get away with it and I can't?  What's so special about him?  Why do people love him but not me?  What about me?

Sometime along the way as I was growing up, I realized that what he was doing was wrong.  My mom said some things to my tentative questioning about things.  I can't remember exactly what I asked.  I don't remember exactly what she replied.  However when she replied it was like she was disgusted or angry and  my interpretation of  her emotional reaction made me fearful.  I seem to remember she tried to get more information out of me, but I avoided it.  She didn't pursue questioning later, either, so I doubt she really wanted to know.  All I knew from what she said was that I was doing something bad.  I wasn't allowed to do that.   I didn't know how to stop it. 

He would do things to manipulate me.  Pissed me off.   My mom made me nap in his room once, and he snuck in with something crinkly.  I was pretending to sleep.  I think he probably knew that.  Why would he make all that crinkly racket if he knew I was put in there to sleep and he was trying to hide his gumballs from me?  I went and chewed a couple of them after he had left.   I thought, he will let me get away with this because of what he's doing to me.  Isn't he afraid that if he tells on me, I will tell on him?  But then I thought, uh-oh, it's going to be obvious that I did this.  I don't know why I had a change of heart (guilty conscience, or second thoughts, maybe I would get into trouble?).  I didn't know what to do, so I took out the half-chewed gum and put it back in the drawer.  Silly.  Several hours later my mom called me and asked me why I had done this.  I said I didn't know.  Because I couldn't tell her the real reason.  I was surprised that he had tattled on me.  ME!  After what he did to ME!  I thought he owed me at least a couple of measly gumballs.  Apparently he had some great satisfaction about this.  His face told me that he was victorious.  He had told me no one would believe me if I told on him.  But here he was saying that I had done something wrong.  HIM getting ME into trouble.  I think it enraged me.  How dare he?  And I think on some level it was a bit frightening.  It reinforced to me that he had power over me.  He could make the other adults believe him.  He could get them to punish me.  I felt powerless.  Oh was I so mad.  He was so clever.  I felt so stupid.

Then he would do strange things like take me to the store and buy me candy.  What the hell?  So confusing to me.  Was he giving me this as a gift to make up for what he did?  I can't even remember if it stopped.  Was he trying to bribe me?  Keep my mouth shut?  I don't know.  I didn't have the courage to ask him.  My parents and my grandparents thought he was being so sweet.  I knew he wasn't really sweet.  He was like the candy he left in his room for me to find.  He was a trap.  I could fall in. 

Right now I feel angry.  I feel that sort of burning feeling behind the eyes, but not enough to start tears.  Just a sort of gentle pressure.  It all feels subdued.  It's all in the past, and that's where it seems to want to stay.

Feel feel feel.  Ugh.  I woke up a couple of times last night with my heart palpitating.  Not sure if it was thyroid-related, or because of my purging on my blog last night.  The pain in my chest woke me up twice, but then dissipated and I fell back to sleep. 

I don't remember how many times he touched me or all the locations or events.  But I hated that closet.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Remembering things I don't want to... Therapy Exercise



I'm going to start by scratching the surface...

Closest memories...

My brothers and I were at home, my cousin who molested me was there.  I don't know who thought up this idea, but my brothers were ecstatic.  My cousin didn't molest them, though.  He preferred little girls, apparently.

I can't help but remember a few things about this visit.  I would have had to have been August 8: "A tornado touches down in Regina, Saskatchewan, causing damage in the northwest end of the city."  Except we were in the East End and there was some damage there...  But that sounds about right... That was the summer of 1979 so I would have been turning 9 that December.  More info here on page 111 -- "Normanview in the northwest and Glencairn in the east were the areas of Regina hit hardest by the storm."

This information creeps me out because at first I couldn't remember the exact age I was experiencing this molestation.  At one point in my life I had thought it was only from about age 5 until about age 7, but apparently this was not the case... So it chills me a bit that this abuse may have continued on even longer than I first thought. 

I guess I should at least be grateful that it wasn't every day, because if our family lived in Edmonton, or visited my grandparents there more often, it would probably have been a lot more frequent.  As it was my grandparents adopted my cousins from my aunt.  She was, to say the least, a terrible alcoholic.  My mom didn't even tell us about her.  We were kind of uninformed as to how my cousins came to be living at my grandparents.  I kind of thought they were like permanent residents, I didn't really question why they weren't staying with their own family.  Turns out, I found out much later in my life, that they were rescued from abuses and sights too terrible to be discussed.  Sounded like he was in therapy, but I wasn't sure what that was, other than my understanding was that crazy people (whatever that meant) who needed to get well talked to someone who was sort of like a doctor in a quiet office somewhere.   I imagined it was sort of like a library, for some reason.  Except smaller and stuffier and maybe no windows.  Not sure why I had this image in my head.

I remember at one point during this visit that this terrible weather was falling upon us.  The wind was picking up and my dad herded us all into the house.  We could see the sky was very very dark on one side and very light on the other.  It was like night and day, and night was coming up fast.  At some point my cousin dared me.  He said that he bet that I couldn't handle going outside, that I was too scared or something.  Wow, he was a master-manipulator, and knew what buttons to push.  I reacted instantaneously.  I didn't think about the wind (I certainly didn't know it was a tornado) I just thought, "I'll show him I'm not scared."   I went outside and immediately realized that wasn't the brightest idea.  Because of all the gravel I could feel pelting me... Or it might have been hail.  It felt like stones, though, and dirt was getting in my face. I saw my cousin try to open the door and call me back into the house, but I couldn't hear him very well.  And the wind and these pelting little bullets from the ground going sideways pushed me to the side of the east side of the house, between the garage and house.  There was some shelter from the wind there, but then I was somewhat alarmed to see bits of large debris flying past, included a large paint can that seemed to lift right off the ground and float for a few seconds above the fenceline and then swing off with a big clatter somewhere else in the neighbour's back yard. 

So I remembered something about hiding under a sturdy structure whenever there was a tornado (probably from watching some movie or TV miniseries or something or maybe The Wizard of Oz)...  I hid under the picnic table and waited for someone to come and get me.  I thought my cousin would get into big trouble for taunting me into going outside.

My dad came out and dragged me back into the house.  I didn't mean to worry him, but he was a bit angry with me.  I can't remember if I protested but I thought I tried to explain.  I don't remember him reacting on my cousin.  But I was glad he came and got me back in the house.  The whole outside went completely grey with dirt and dust, and we saw sheds and various toys flying down the street.  The windows rattled.  The noise was deafening.

That was what I remember about that particular day.

I wish that was the only memory I had of that week. 

We have photos of my cousin making really tall skyscrapers with lego.  He would slowly build higher and higher from a larger base until the lego started to tilt.  He tried to make it as tall as the ceiling in the basement, and at least once he got it high enough to run out of lego.  It was taller than him, anyway.

I still don't like looking at those photos.  His eyes always look creepy to me for some reason.  Especially when the flash is being used.  He always seemed to be looking directly into the photo so that his eyes would glow that nice red or bright yellow.  Who does that?  Unless they are trying to say, "I'm not afraid.  Take a picture of me.  I have nothing to hide."  Because when they behave like that, it means they do have something to hide.  It's like taunting.  Like "I've got a secret and you'll never find out."  Maybe I just have an overactive imagination.

I didn't imagine what he did to me though.  I don't know how we ended up on the floor in the basement of my house.  I don't know where my brothers went.  He always seemed to mastermind things, or look for windows of opportunity and this was no different.  When they left the room he went up and shut the light off.  I can't recall if he shut the door, but I think so.  I can't remember if we were under a sleeping bag, but that seemed to be one of his favourite covers (no pun intended)...  Whenever we were all playing at my gramma's in her basement, somehow this big sleeping bag magically appeared and we'd all go under it: my two brothers, me, my cousin.  Then he would sneak kisses under the covers.  I hated those.  Right on the lips.

This time, I don't remember all that he was doing, or how I got there.  I just remember his hands down my pants (shorts?)...  He might have even pulled them down to my ankles.  Because he asked me if I wanted him to go down "there" and start kissing or licking "it."  I remember saying I thought that was gross.  Any thought of a person's mouth down by where they went to the bathroom sounded disgusting to me.  What did you expect?  I was 8 years old. Thankfully he didn't try that.  What he did try was to insert his finger into my vagina.  He was quite persistent about that.  The problem was he wasn't putting it into my vagina, he was trying to put it into my urethra.  That hurt.  And I remember him trying multiple times to do that, and I kept protesting because it hurt.  I think I almost started crying, and that's when he stopped, finally.  Didn't want me to make a fuss because my mom would hear us, I suspect.  In fact that could be why we moved from the floor to where he was set up for sleep in the basement.

There was an old frame that was pretty spent, so that it bowed in the middle.  So if you had people playing hide and seek and hiding in the middle of this bed frame with the other mattress on top (and this is probably when my cousin figured this out) it would look like a normal mattress.  No one would really catch on that someone was under the top mattress because, instead of stuffing and springs, it was people in there.  So we went under the mattress.  And he continued his workings on me.  Mostly with his fingers working on my clitoris and labiaHe never really brought me to any climax ever.  He just stimulated me.  I think I just went somewhere else in my mind while he was doing this...  I seem to remember feeling some pleasure with this stimulation, but yet it seemed far away.  Perhaps I was numbing it out of my mind, but my body was still experiencing the stimulation.  Does that make sense?  I had never done this to myself or by myself.  I don't think I knew what was going on. 

My mother came looking for me.  She was calling to me from upstairs. My cousin froze.  He told me to be very very quiet.  I think I actually got the sense that he was scared, which I had never witnessed in him before, and it surprised me.  Come to think of it, I don't know if he displayed much emotion to begin with.  I don't remember him crying.  I remember him being angry or petulant or just bland.  I don't remember him being anything other than sly and conniving, but almost like it was a game.  It was like playing with dolls.  Except I was the doll.   

My mother opened the door of the basement.  I couldn't see her.  I could hear her calling my name though.  I started to reply (something made me want to call back... Maybe a child/mother instinct?)...  That's when my cousin clamped his hand over my mouth.  And nose.  I could barely breathe but he was urgent about me keeping my mouth shut.  Almost to the point of exploding.  But he had to be quiet, too.  He barely whispered, almost mouthing, "WHAT are you DOING?  Don't MOVE!" or something like that.  My mom must have thought she heard me, but she didn't come down the stairs.  Maybe she thought my cut-off call had come from outside.  Maybe she didn't want to come downstairs and knew something about my cousin that made her afraid to search me out.  Why wouldn't she come down those damn stairs and find us under that mattress?  She heard me, or she wouldn't have called out again.   I don't remember what my cousin did afterward, but we lay quite still for what seemed like an eternity, with his hand still on my mouth.  I think I had convinced him to let me breath through my nose (which was already hard as I was always stuffed up)...  And I don't remember anything after that.  He may have told me not to tell anyone.  I don't remember.  I just remember moments.  Fragments...

Right now, how do I feel?  I feel my neck and shoulders are tensed up a bit.  I notice while I am trying to remember these details that my breathing becomes more shallow, especially during the time when I was writing about him clamping his hand over my mouth.  When my breathing got shallow my heart started beating faster.  This kind of reminds me what used to happen almost every night for months (was it years?) when I was a kid, lying in bed in the dark.  I would wake up...  I would feel the bed shake (probably a train) and I would hold my breath to see if it would still shake.  I was trying to be still, so still.  It was scaring me.  Something bad was going to happen to me, I was bad, I was going to die, punishment.  Call out for mom.  Mom would come down, turn on the hall light.  I think she hugged me.  A couple of times she would ask if there is something I needed to tell her, something that would make me afraid of the dark, something that made me cry?  I was too scared to tell her.  Shook my head desperately.  No no no.  Just needed some light.  Dark was scary.  But it was more in my body, I could feel something bad happening when it was dark that I couldn't feel during the day.  Racing heart, pounding in my ears, terror, don't move.   If I don't move maybe whatever it is won't kill me for being so bad.  I would pray to someone, maybe God, "If you don't kill me, I promise I would be good for the rest of my life."  No arguing, no back-talk, do whatever mom says.  Just make this fear go away.

*sigh* deep breath....

Doing some stretching between this posting and afterward and cuddling with my dog seems to help.  I feel something way down, not quite tears.  I am sad.  I don't know if I feel angry.  It's all very quiet, like something is blocking that from coming out.  Maybe if I try some more tomorrow.  I feel I can calm down a bit now, with sufficient time to relax before I go to bed this evening.

Friday, May 11, 2012

New Mission

So I have returned from my therapist today, bleary-eyed and determined...

I want to dig deep and remember and write down what happened... What my feelings were... With my sexual abuse...

It is so hard to let those feelings come to the surface...

But I meant to go back and read what I wrote about my abuser.  My older cousin did some things to me.  I may have removed the information from this website simply because I wanted to focus on NPD and less on the Pedophile.

Now I will have to bring this stuff out again.  Fresh.  I will try to do this when no one is home.  I will try to do this on my own so I can process it without feeling I need to protect my husband.