Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Have any of you been told by a therapist that you need to process your various emotions? But perhaps you have difficulty with "regulating" or "expressing" your emotions. After all a lot of us in this group have been trained that our feelings don't count, we have to suppress our feelings, and that we don't have a right to express our feelings.

Also you may be remembering or having flashbacks of your past. These seem to occur randomly or sometimes something that never used to trigger them bring them up out of your subconscious. You are torn between wanting to remember certain things and between wanting to block out those same memories.

Or do you just have a hard time sleeping at night? Those thoughts about what coulda/shoulda/woulda are bouncing around inside your skull. Or you just can't get your thoughts to shut off and because you are trying to relax, every manner of things pops into your head: scenes from your uncomfortable and embarrassing moments when you're growing up, scenes from a show you watched, something bothering you at work, clips of a song, and nothing can seem to shut off this tumble of emotions and images in your mind.

Actually there may be a way to help yourself. You may have heard this before, but perhaps wondered when you find the time. Well the answer is, there is ALWAYS time to look after yourself. You just have to MAKE time. And make yourself a priority. Which for some of us is hard to do when we're so used to looking after everyone else! Some of us are workaholics and we don't want to lose focus on that. Some of us might be alcoholics or relationship dependent and we don't want to stop and think about why we are doing what we are doing. We just want to keep doing it because that's all we've done in the past. We are afraid to change because we don't believe in ourselves.

Well journaling may help you. What writing down things can do for you is help you organize your thoughts: that's good for some of us anxious ladies. Anxiety is something that causes our thoughts to race. When we are in that state of mind, there is no/little organization to them, they just race around and sometimes overwhelm us. We feel like we lack control.

Another thing it can do: help you become aware of thought patterns. Help you record things like sleep habits, eating habits, and mood. If you notice that you log in your journal that you drink 8 cups of coffee per day, and you have trouble falling asleep, you might notice this when you write it down: because maybe you didn't really think you drank THAT much coffee! If you are depressed a lot, maybe you could write down events or your menstruation cycle and notice that your mood may be linked more to events or hormones or if you are always down no matter what is happening, this could indicate a chemical imbalance. A trick my therapist taught me: if you can't sleep at night, write about what is bothering you during the day.

Perhaps your therapist has given you "homework." Or perhaps you are reading a book that wants to remember certain things or change the way you normally think. Do you remember when you used to study for exams? Didn't it help you to remember things to write them down?

It's a great way to look back at things later and see how much you've accomplished. It's good to refer back to once in a while. It's self-validation. It's something you can share with someone you trust, or something you can lock up in a safe/secure file.

Other Links:

Journal Writing
Journal writing is known to be beneficial on a practical and therapeutic level. We think so highly of journal writing, we built our entire company around it!

by Mari L. McCarthy
When You start and keep a daily Journaling for the Self of It™ practice, You discover who You really are, You heal your psychophysical wounds and create the life You desperately desire to live!
A Brief History of Journal Therapy
by Kathleen Adams Journal Therapy is the act of writing down thoughts and feelings to sort through problems and come to deeper understandings of oneself or the issues in one's life. Unlike traditional diary writing, where daily events and happenings are recorded from an exterior point of view, journal therapy focuses on the writer's internal experiences, reactions, and perceptions. Through this act of literally reading his or her own mind, the writer is able to perceive experiences more clearly and thus feels a relief of tension. This has been shown to have mental and physical health benefits.

Contributed by Alexis Saskia Geddes
Morning Pages
Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages– they are not high art. They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only. Occasionally colorful, more often than not Morning Pages are negative, fragmented, repetitive or bland. Good!  Worrying about your job, the laundry, the weird look your friend gave you – all that stuff distracts you from your creativity. It eddies through your subconsciousness and muddies your day. Get it on the page first thing in the morning and move on with your day with a freer spirit.

NARCISISSM - Behaviours (Gaslighting, Triangulation, etc) and Definitions


Ladies come to this group and ask us if we can help them identify if their mother is indeed a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, a Psychopath, or just someone with a Narcissistic Traits.

I've always made it our policy in this group to encourage members to get a confirmation from a therapist (or physician or other professional) that their mom (or other relative or friend) is definitely or is very likely what they think she is. There are other conditions, mood disorders and even medical conditions that can make a person seem like they have NPD. Some of our mothers may have BiPolar Mood Disorder, Asperger's, Autism spectrum, Borderline Personality Disorder, some kind of physical or medical issue or just a massive case of the Fleas (as we call people who have learned some behaviours because they were raised with Narcissistic Parents)...

These next few paragraphs I write are not from any specific sources, and are mostly from my memories, and could be flawed. I have read thousands of links and done a few years in therapy. The following is an interpretation of my way of understanding the difference between just displaying N Traits, the actual Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and the difference between those two things and Psychopathy.

Chances are if your mother is truly someone with NPD she will refuse to go to a therapist (unless she thinks it is to prove that her child is the one with the problem). However just because she won't get herself diagnosed, it doesn't mean you can't get a professional opinion from a therapist. I have done so myself. After several months of seeing my therapist and me describing the things my mother did during my childhood, I asked him what he thought was wrong with her. He said it sounded to him like she had Narcissistic Personality Disorder (although of course, he couldn't confirm this because she refused to come with me to see him! lol). But all the criteria fit. He initially said that he would be willing to meet with my mother. However, at one point later in our sessions, when I was telling him yet another thing she did in the past, he said that he would actually prefer it if she didn't come to any sessions! lol

Here is an email my therapist sent me regarding this: http://shadowsandreflectionsthedarkside.blogspot.ca/2008/09/wisdom-from-sensei.html

And here is an email another therapist sent me: http://shadowsandreflectionsthedarkside.blogspot.ca/2011/04/response-to-thread-from-pysch-forum.html

My therapist explained to me a little about the difference between NPD and a psychopath. A psychopath probably would actually offer to go to the therapist before you asked. Not for your benefit, but more for the reason that she/he might find new and interesting ways to manipulate a new plaything. Psychopaths prefer to play with humans and study them, with cold and detached interest, much like a human would study an ant or a frog in biology class. And by "play" I mean find ways to inflict pain, experiment with other people's emotions, etc. Psychopaths are very sneaky and masters of manipulation and deception, and can keep calm and keep their thoughts organized while they're bald-faced lying. They are unflappable. Because they've spent all their lives learning and observing when and how to "act" in certain situations, it might even be difficult for a therapist to catch right away. People with NPD do have some psychopathic traits sometimes, but a lot of the time they are so much more prone to tantrums, hysterics, and are typically more bound to be reactive, in a spontaneous and most unflattering, unfiltered manner, to the very first primitive behaviour that surfaces. People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder act more like 3-year-olds in an adult's body. Psychopaths are MUCH more calculating and, from what I've heard from various sources, you get that shiver down your spine or the prickles in the back of your neck when you realize they are staring at you... They have this "deadness" to their eyes.

Now there are also people who are high on the spectrum of Narcissism: they are still high-functioning. They may occasionally slip up in social circles, but they aren't hell bent on self-sabotage like someone with a personality disorder. Some of these types even admit that they might be a pain to other people, but they will also admit that they don't care. There is HEALTHY Narcissism, but depending on how much of the N behaviour is displayed at any given time, these people with Narcissistic traits may just be irritating, but they do well in their jobs, and they have some good leadership skills. There are SOME good qualities with people who have a few Narcissistic Traits. But different people with different life skills and different walks of life may find less tolerant, while others are more on the "I can barely stand her/him, but at least he gets the job done."

People with the Narcissistic Personality disorder, I feel (although this is up in the air in various psychological/therapist circles), are more likely to act on emotion, less stable, more easily hurt, much more sporadic or impulsive and seem to be, as I mentioned, emotional infants. I personally don't know if these disordered people are unaware of what motivates them. I could definitely see if someone's mother was a psychopath that they would know what they were doing. I am very certain that my own mother has done things and known they were wrong, but she also rationalizes, changes her version of the truth/history, and routinely gaslights and claims she can't remember saying or doing something. My own therapist thought she was mostly disordered. He did say that some people with NPD can display some of the traits of a psychopath. So I guess this is one thing us ladies will have to figure out with our therapists, or guess on our own. And if the subject comes up, we might even have to agree to disagree.

And of course, there is what "they" (the DSM) calls "co-morbidity." That's a fancy word for having one condition, but also having another one or more combined or sharing characteristics with another/other personality or mood disorder.

Here are a few links that might help you figure which is which or what might be. But again, it's important that you hear confirmation from a professional before you decide to label a person with something they might not have. Having the wrong information about something like this could cause to you make life-changing decisions in error.

Movies Featuring Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Narcissism
by Gail Meyers on Hubpages

20 Identifiable Traits of a Female Narcissist
by Susan Walsh on June 28, 2010 · 199 comments

What Is Narcissism and Am I in a Relationship with a Narcissist?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder
By Psych Central Staff

Enough about you: My explanation of narcissism
Merrill Markoe

How to Recognize it and Move Forward
by Barbara from Sanctuary for the Abused

Top 100 Traits of Personality-Disordered Individuals
Out of the Fog

Red Flag: Disrespect for Boundaries by Anna Valerious

The Narcissistic Mother
A Lightbulb Moment article by parishmiller

The Narcissistic Mother
Psych Forums

Do You Have a Narcissistic Mother?
By gloriarubio278

Narcissistic Mothers
by Cyndi Lopez from Psych Central

Things Narcissistic Mothers and Narcissist's Say
Joanne O'Sullivan

Ongoing Guide to Having a Narcissistic Parent
from Therapy is Dandy.

Deep Insights into Narcissistic Parents:
Going Behind Their Controlling Behavior and Mapping Out Its Long Term Consequences

The Aging Narcissistic Parent and the Role of the "Chosen Child"
Posted by evolution13
The "chosen" child is in a precarious situation: on one hand, they do not get the same level of wrath from the parent as the others do; however, the chosen child is also the brainwashed child that is the parent's servant.

What are Narcissistic Wounds?
Narcissism Understood: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - The personality disorder that destroys relationships, families and lives by Melanie Tonia Evans

Narcissists Push Boundaries
Sandra Brown

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Diagnosis Dictionary (documented by Terri Hunt Krokovich)
Psychology Today
Difference between NPD and Psychopath
Psych Forums

Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Internet Mental Health

Narcissistic Personality Types
Psych Cents: What is a narcissist?

7 Signs of Narcissistic Control-Freaks
By Ben

Things Narcissists Do
From: Light, Life, Love & Laughter after NPD Abuse

How a Narcissist Will Probably React To Being Questioned About Their Behavior: Cutting Ties with a Narcissist

Narcissism Support Resources: Projection

The Swan and the Scorpion: Projection

How a nNarcissist Uses Introjection and Projection
by David Elder

Stop Walking on Eggshells:
When someone in your life has borderline or narcissistic personality disorder.
by Randi Kreger

The Narcissist's Hoover Maneuver
Lisa E. Scott

Trying to break free from someone who won’t let you go?
Light's Blog

Narcissist Grandparents
Anna Valerious

The Narcissist as Grandparent by Nina

Dealing with Narcissistic Grandparents: Forum

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: How to Recognize Narcissism and Protect Your Mental Health
By Merely Me

Is He or She Really A Narcissist? Laying Boundaries and Accountability
Melanie Tonia Evans

The Games Narcissist Play Posted by Laura (an admin on another forum)

Understanding Narcissism
Paul M. Floyd, M.Div., J.D. and Bruce Narramore, Ph.D.

Communnicating with Narcissistic Personalities
Steve Becker, LCSW, CHT

Narcissistic Traits and Relationship Dynamics
Developed by: Kent A Tompkins, LPC References from: The Narcissistic-borderline Couple by Joan Lachkar, Ph.D.

HAVEN'T WE MET BEFORE? The Borderline/Narcissist Couple
By Shari Schreiber, M.A

What is the difference between narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder?

The Emotionally Abusive Personality: Is She a Borderline or a Narcissist?
Dr. Tara J. Palmatier

The Borderline and Narcissist Love Relationship
by Dr. Wendy

Marriage from Hell-Narcissistic Man Marries Borderline Personality Woman
Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

Borderline and Narcissistic Rage Posted by Olivia Carter

Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life
Several essays from Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.
-- Narcissistic Husband--Eating You Alive Psychologically
-- Covert Narcissists--Holier Than Thou Kind
-- Children of Narcissistic Mothers--Heal and Evolve
-- Claim Your Own Life--Goodbye to Your Narcissistic Mother
-- Narcissist is Loyal to No One but Himself
-- Narcissistic Smackdown---Destructive Narcissistic Rage

and more...
I'm Not Done Yet

House of Mirrors:  A blog by Lisette
A look at the warped world of narcissism through literature, film, art, pop culture and personal experience

If you worry you are like your parents.....

Other Personality Disorders:

Histrionic Personality Disorder
By Psych Central Staff

What Is Conversion Hysteria?

Personality disorders

Types of personality disorders

Q & A: Personality Disorders

Problematic Emotional Response Patterns http://www.communitycounselingservices.org/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=517&cn=8

Think You’re All That? You Might Be Putting Your Health at Risk By Alice Park

Personality disorders as disorganisation of attachment and affect regulation
Jaydip Sarkar and Gwen Adshead

Melissa Arthur LCSW MA Histrionic Personality Disorder

Family Behavior Therapy for Antisocial and Narcissistic Personality Disorders in China: An Open Study Yongli Wang1, Meifang Zhu1, Jingyi Huang1, Wei He1, Shaohua Yu1, Rongrong Yu1, Shenfeng Tang2, Mowei Shen3, Wei Wang1,2,3

Narcissism and the Meltdown
High Conflict Institute; co-founded by Bill Eddy, LCSW,

What is a Psychotic Break?
Powered by CTR

Why do people rock back and forth?
In: ADD-ADHD, Human Behavior, Tourette's Syndrome
Various people chime in for several different reasons as to why they rock back and forth...

Body-rocking, head-rolling and head-banging
If you’ve seen your young child body-rocking, head-rolling or head-banging, you know how disturbing this can be. But take heart – these behaviours rarely cause harm, and most children stop by 18 months.
By Raising Children Network

Maneuvers of a Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother: Gaslighting DONM, Forgive & Forget and Triangulation
authored and contributed by Gail Meyers


What is Gaslighting?
A Form of Emotional Abuse Not Easily Recognized: by Lorne Cansler

The Sad Art of Gaslighting
Laurie Kendrick

Are you the Victim of Gaslighting?
by Sarah Treleaven

Gaslighting as a Manipulation Tactic: What It Is, Who Does It, And Why
Psychology, Philosophy & Real Life: Dr George Simon, PhD
(Contributed by: Brenda Rathier)

Lifton's Brainwashing Processes
See also: Robert Jay Lifton, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1963.
by Changing Minds.org

Is My Child Behaving Like a Narcissist? Probably Not...

http://faculty.plts.edu/gpence/html/kohlberg.htm - contributed by Kimberley Anne Thornton

But Just In Case:

http://www.voicelessness.com/essay.html Voicelessness and Emotional Survival
The Essays by Richard A. Grossman, Ph.D.