Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Developments

My aunt recently contacted me on Facebook.  Says she is coming to town for a tradeshow.  It used to be that once upon a time I would jump up and say yes.  But we are so crazy busy this coming week, and I am so tired all the time...  I decided to say no...  She has invited me out if I want to see her.  I am a little worried because, even though the last time I spoke to her (in the spring) she told me she is avoiding my mom...  Because my mom still may have gotten her to come meet me to see what's going on and why I haven't spoken to my mother since May...  That may be completely wrong, but I am still a bit worried about it.  My mind can come up with lots of scenarios as to what could be going...

Also my mom called and left some kind of whiny message on the answering machine that I decided to delete.  I didn't listen to it, I just heard the tone.  And I promptly blocked that number as well. 

I am freaking out a bit as to what my therapy session will entail tomorrow.  I tried so hard to trade that day away but no one took it away from me.  If I call in sick that will be the last 5 hours of sick time paid until next year...  *sigh*

UPDATE on NOV 6, 2011:
I decided not to visit with my aunt.  I trust her more than I trust my own mother, but I just don't feel comfortable doing it.  I just want to be safe, and my curiosity about her can be put aside for that. 

My mom sent us a thick letter which I haven't read and plan to take with me to my therapist tomorrow.

I have gotten to the 3rd part of Karyl McBride's book "Will I Ever Be Good Enough."  I am pleased that in the book she also feels it is perfectly acceptable not to keep contact if the relationship with my mother is too toxic.  I have noticed signs that I am not quite psychologically separated from her.  I don't know if I have achieved what they call "individuation" yet. 

I've also decided on my own not to visit so much online, especially that PsychLinks help.  I realize that I am distracting myself and trying to give people advice when I am the one I should be focusing on.  It's just another distraction.  So I am going to do like the book suggests: going to get back into journaling and back into painting and doing some things I really enjoy.  And when I have downtime or alone time I will explore my emotions a bit more instead of avoiding them...  But perhaps that will give me more time to visit my blog more often.

Oh, hey, also the first day of snow!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bad Memories: exploring my emotional tolerence

I went to my therapist appointment today. I am a little out of whack from not sleeping well last night for a number of reasons. 

I was definitely apprehensive about coming by myself (my husband came the first few times with me)... This time I drove myself and was on my own and felt a bit more in the spotlight. I had to do my relaxation breathing on the way there, and felt light-headed and short of breath until I had arrived and sat down and relaxed with some water and was talking to the receptionist. 

Another reason is likely because we're sort of done delving into working on what I've been dealing with since I dumped my mother in May...  I've been feeling more accepting of it needing to be done, and I don't feel so bad about it being my fault.  It had to be done.  And now we're testing the waters of whether or not I am ready to talk about some of the sexual abuse I experienced when I was little. So we were going to start of with other disturbing memories that weren't traumatic or tied in with EITHER my mother or my abuser... And we'll see if I can handle THOSE emotions or if I need to stop and regroup. Because if I can't even deal with the smaller things that have been resurfacing lately, then it's unlikely that I can handle the scarier stuff.... 8P

So.... Yeah, it's just a bit of an anxious day for me. I was actually surprised that I felt that affected by just driving by myself to my appointment. I mean sheez, what's the problem... Oh yeah! My anxiety issues...   8P

New assignment: very similar to the previous assignment...   I am trying to see if I can handle, or see how I react to the unpleasant emotional memories...  Am I able to deal with things or should I back off for a little while? 8P  Try to ask myself: how was I feeling at the time, what was in my mind as to the reason of my behaviour?  Dig deep girl.  Did you remember smells, textures, etc...

 I am remembering when I was with a very awful man named Glen.  I remember thinking he was funny and unconventional, misunderstood, somewhat broken, but yet he wanted to spend time with me.  I remember feeling special when he would take me out for a meal, or when he'd call me late at night to talk to me.  He told me sob stories about his childhood and his parents never saying "I love you."  And about how his father was a horrible drunk tyrant.  I remember thinking to myself, "I will show him I will not give up on him."  I was determined to show him that I could love him despite the way he treated me or other people.  I sensed he was troubled and I wanted to help heal him.  Maybe I would be the one to show him that he didn't have to live like this, drinking rye and smoking pot and never thinking anyone loved him.

Somehow, eventually I found I would tolerate his controlling behaviours.  I noticed his annoyance at me seeing friends or family.  In order to make him feel better about himself I stopped calling, I stopped visiting, I was just around him and his friends.  He also disapproved of my eating habits and tried to discourage me from eating.  Some days I would only have one small meal.  I remember always being hungry.  Tired.  He would take me out from Regina about an hour and a half drive out to Moose Jaw and play on his guitar in his friends' ramshackle dump of a house.  The boys would play and us girlfriends would just sit on the couch listening.  I remember it being loud, and the music could have been worse.  Sounded okay to me.  But I would have traded several of those hours with sleep.  He didn't like it when I sang.  He didn't like traditional folk singing.  He had very particular sound that he preferred, and during our practices would harshly criticize my sound.  I would sing songs by Amanda Marshal.  Even in front of the Arts Ed class.  I wasn't allowed to sing any other song other than what he liked.  Or he would have the same set of fellas over to my house and play there.  And then he would also drive me around.  And sometimes he was late for classes.  He didn't care.

We were in the same classes at university. I remember going on a field trip to Moose Jaw to look at all the murals with a busload of high school students and this fellow there was joking around with me.  My boyfriend made me feel awful about what I saw as harmless fun and chatting.  He accused me of giving him the wrong idea.  He said I better just cool it.  First of all, it pissed me off that my boyfriend would interpret this man as a threat to our relationship.  Then I conceded because perhaps I was laughing a little too much with this other man, or perhaps Glen was so insecure that I should be more careful of his feelings. I made a point afterward of avoiding this man, even though he could potentially have been a friend.  He seemed puzzled about my sudden coldness, but I think he figured out that Glen was my boyfriend and left me alone after that.

I remember on several trips to Moose Jaw or elsewhere (sometimes we would just travel for traveling away from the City of Regina)...   He would drink rye and cook in a Slurpee glass or a travel mug.  He would smoke marijuana.  He got stopped in his car once when his daughter was in another car with friends.  His story was that everything was fine, even if the police man had him in the police car and had me come out so he could search my overnight bag and my contact lens case.   When Glen got back he laughed and laughed that the whole time he had a plastic baggie of dope in his right breast pocket and the cop wasn't wise to him.  It was a good 30 minute stop, so I don't think it went as smoothly as Glen claimed it did.  

I remember one time that he became horrified that the world was going to end because the sun was in a different spot than he thought it should be when it was setting.  I tried to explain to him that it was probably just because of the season that the sun was in a lower spot than usual on the horizon, but he was getting unreasonably angry, and scared me a bit.  So I went along with him, simply because it didn't seem like something to argue about to me, and have him get in a tizzy about me believing him or not. He was high and/or drunk so I didn't really want to argue logic and science with him.

At first I was offended that he was drinking or smoking drugs in the car, because it seemed to me that he didn't care enough about himself or me to drive while sober.   But he made it sound like he would chose these over me, and that I should grow up, lighten up, etc, and that he could handle driving while drinking and smoking marijuana.  I am not 100% sure why I went along with this.  I think I was just afraid he would leave me.  But I didn't factor in that it was probably worse to be traveling with him in his condition.   I didn't care about me, and I wanted him to know I cared about him.

Some of the more awful memories:

When my brother Robin invited me to his university graduation for Psych Nurse...  I declined.  I told him what my boyfriend had told me to tell him.  I still feel really really awful about what I said.  I told my own brother that I found him arrogant and shallow and therefore I didn't want to attend his graduation.  My only reasoning at the time, was because of course Glen kept saying that's why he didn't want to go to my brother's graduation.  My brother broke down and started crying over the phone.  I didn't know what to say and I can't remember what was said after that point other than I had to hang up the phone.  I don't think I apologized, I think I just said I had to go.  I still feel rotten.  I can't believe I said those things to him and made him feel so bad.   It makes me want to cry when I think about it.  What a horrible thing to say to someone.  And my brother is (or moreso was) a bit of a "me" person, but I was no angel myself.  How could we be other than what we were when we were living under the influence of our mother?  Other than our quirks, I really liked my brother, and it feels like such betrayal now, but somehow I was numb to my feelings then.  I guess I was always a bit numb, but especially with Glen around.  It was important not to show much emotion or expression on my face because he would watch me all the time.  I definitely didn't want to feel things when Glen was being rude about my weight or telling me I'm "nothing special."  I don't remember feeling anything during that phone call... I just remember feeling like a robot, as though I was on automatic.  Like it wasn't really me talking into the phone saying these things to Robin, and he wasn't really crying and shocked that I was saying these things to him.  It wasn't real.  It was happening but not to me.  Things were coming out of my mouth, but it was like another person was saying these things.  It was a dream, it wasn't real.  It must be like it is for my dad, to be a husk, someone else's puppet.  You don't feel because it isn't you speaking, it's someone else talking through you, possessing you.  Horrible!  Makes me feel violated somehow.  How could I say that to my own brother.  I am actually proud of him and his accomplishments.  He had to struggle for a long time with his Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Barr Epstein Syndrome... He must have felt really really good to be graduating...  And here's his sister telling him he's selfish and doesn't deserve to be graduating.  That's low.  Really really really low.  Oh man.  I feel so awful.

I also remember another time that Glen was scaring me.  He wouldn't leave me alone, so I went down to the basement and told him to stay away from me.  I was so afraid and angry at him, and I can't remember why.  I took a stick or branch of some kind (don't ask me what a stick was doing downstairs, maybe for cooking hotdogs over the firepit) and told him to stay back.  I placed the stick on my leg.  Glen would not back off.  So I pushed the stick as far into my flesh as I could and yanked it up and down.  I left a rather nasty mark.  I told people it was from my bicycle pedal scraping my flesh.  It wasn't a good lie, because it didn't look like that at all.  It was one long jagged line that went from my knee down to the ankle and criss-crossed over itself more than once...  I just remember I wanted him to back off and he wouldn't.  And he was scaring me.

I remember he was pissing me off again with his drinking.  I don't remember if we had an argument first, or what happened...  But I was thinking I would get revenge on him.  He would see what it was like for me to wake up in the morning and be ill in front of him.  He was forever getting up and puking in the bathroom sink or toilet.  Wretching.  Horrid.  He had a large amount to drink before bed and we had school the next day.  I know you aren't supposed to mix wine, hard liquour, and beer.  But I went ahead and grabbed a beer and chugged it down.  Then I took several gulps of wine (I think it was the red wine that I have the worst reactions to).  Then I also took a few more chugs of rye that was in the fridge.  By that time I started feeling not very good at all...  I went to lay down beside him and then had to get up again to go downstairs to get sick to my stomach.  When throw up, it isn't a quiet affair.  It was quite enthusiastic.  And I was quite sick.  He came down and asked if I wanted an ambulance, and I said, "No..."  In a very pathetic voice.  I didn't even get a chance to tell him that I did it to show him how ugly it was to drink like he did.  I rarely drank at all.  I didn't partake in his drugs.  And I drank a lot in a very short period of time.  I couldn't go to class because I was still sick the next day.  I just remember feeling so ill and so stupid and ashamed.  And of course he enjoyed that he could look down on me and make me feel even smaller than I already felt.   He was probably thinking I was pathetic not to be able to hold my alcohol.  It felt so right to do it at the time, with this anger of "I'll show you" attitude.  And then after...  Stupid stupid stupid.  What's the point?  He doesn't care.  I don't care.  I feel to ill to care.

But comparing these last two memories with the one with my brother:  I feel more shame now about what I said to my brother than anything else.   That was heartless. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

JUNE 15 2011: (80 X 100 cm); ICE DRAGON & PHOENIX...

Usually I just use acrylic paint on canvas, but like my Earth and Sky painting, this time I used some Gesso to build up some lovely texture... I love how it kind of controls the way the paint drips depending on which way you angle the canvas... Originally I wanted to call it AMINO ACID JUNGLE because it reminded me of two DNA strands ripping apart... , then ICE AND THE SUNRISE....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I was reading from the Psychlinks Forum an article by Karyl McBride, Ph.D....  In it a phrase popped out at me....   (from Do I Have To Be Nice To People Who Are Mean To Me?
 or  ) -- I have highlighted the phrases that seem to describe me perfectly...

If a child spends extensive childhood energy attempting to gain love, approval, and acceptance from a narcissistic parent who cannot provide it, that child learns the ingrained behavior of people pleasing. The result is disturbing because it creates co-dependency and even an extreme tolerance for aberrant behavior in others. When others are mean, the adult child of narcissistic parents transforms into the one who takes the blame, apologizes, and feels "they" must be nice. They ultimately even end up trying to fix the problem. The hurt is there, but is accepted and taken anyway, because they have learned they cannot expect anything else. Common phrases heard from the co-dependent are "I'm fine" and "I'm sorry." The message carried from childhood is that everyone is supposed to like you. Well... do you like everyone "you" meet?

another excerpt:

So, do we have to be nice to people who are mean to us? What do we do? Do we have to expend significant energy to make it better? Do we have to continue to people please?
The answer lies in knowing that you are worthy and deserve to be treated kindly by others. You do not have to put up with mean, cruel or abusive behavior from anyone. You can learn to set boundaries and draw your line in the sand. This is what I will accept and this is what I will not accept. You are worth it to take good care of yourself in this manner. If you don't, who will? 

I wondered recently why I take exception to people mistreating others, but for some reason I am accepting or tolerating of the same type of behaviour towards myself.  It was a light bulb moment.  I mean I was never mindful of that before until recently.  I felt a bit bad that I had to end a relationship with someone about it, but judging from all his other behaviours he displayed I was falling into another relationship trap where I was befriending someone with no boundaries or respect for me.  I really must learn to listen more to my husband, who was only tolerating this person because of me.  lol

Saturday, September 3, 2011

More Reminiscing

I am finding it kind of hard to think of times from my past where I was profoundly embarrassed, frightened or upset.  The theory behind this thinking back, so that I will hopefully not have these thoughts pop into my mind in the middle of the night and keep me awake...

I did think of the time I was in elementary school when I hurt someone physically.  I didn't intend to hurt this person, but that was what happened.  I thought it would be funny if I "accidentally" tripped her while I was apparently picking something up that I had dropped on the floor off my desk.   I was thinking about it as a joke, everyone would laugh at her.  Ha ha ha...  Not so much.  So I bent down from my desk with my legs sticking out in the aisle as she was saying something to someone behind her, while she was moving forward. 

I caused her to fall over my sticking-out leg and into some desks, and she twisted her wrist.  I felt really badly that I had hurt her that much.  She was a nice girl, too.  An older girl in another grade.  I can't remember which teacher yelled at me, but I denied that I meant to hurt her.  Well, I didn't mean to hurt her, but I denied any wrongdoing whatsoever.  I felt more angry that I had been called out than guilt for hurting this girl.  I admit, some people in school liked to do that sort of thing to me, but not this girl.  She had nothing to do with the bullies who were picking on me.

 Today and when I recently thought about this though, I felt really really bad.  Like what the hell was I thinking?  I know I was just a kid, but come on, it isn't that hard to figure out that it was a thoughtless and risky way to get attention.  I am sure I was not the only kid in the school looking for some attention, any attention.  And even if I was, it would be a rare thing to get attention by hurting someone else...

Then the next thing that comes to mind today.  In the school yard I saw a boy bending down (to tie his shoe or something)...  He was younger than me.  He wasn't a troublemaker as far as I knew.  His butt was just too tempting a target!  So I booted him in the butt!  He gave me a dirty look and said something like "Hey!  What did you do that for?"  And I honestly think I was just laughing.  So he ran off, and I continued on not really thinking about it.  When all of a sudden, he and two of his friends tackled me and pinned me to the ground.  I think now, what brave kids those were.  They were tenacious.  I couldn't get up!  Here I was I think in grade 6 or 7 and I couldn't get these tiny rugrats off my back!  Well, that taught me a lesson!  I can laugh at myself about that one.  I deserved it!   A teacher rescued me and gave those boys heck, but I think they won anyway!  lol

There was a boy I think in grade 7, a native boy.  I can't remember if he had started teasing me first or not, but I was teasing him about his last name, which was Scales.  I had had enough of kids making fun of my name, and I decided it would be fun to make fun of someone else for a change.  I didn't really think of it in racial terms, but I am sure he did.  He had large, full lips as well.  So I was calling him Fish Scales.  At some point during this taunting, he stabbed me in my hand with a nice sharp pencil, and it got lodged in my hand deep enough to make it bleed.  So we both got called to the office.  I did admit that I was calling him those names, and said that everyone was making fun of my name, too.  But I could see that I better be careful what kind of things come out of my mouth, and also consider who I am speaking to and what it could be interpreted as.   Later on, I thought at night when I went to bed, that I was going to die because I had pencil lead stuck in my hand (at least that is what one of the girls in my class said to me), but she probably didn't know it wasn't real lead.   But if I recall, I frequently thought I was going to die, and would lay there in bed at night stiff as a board, feeling the bed shake or feeling my heart beating faster and faster and pounding in my ears.  I was going to die because I was a horrible person, and I wasn't going to go to heaven.  Those were thoughts I had going through my head when I was trying to go to sleep at night.  Not so much because of what I did at school or at home, but because of what my predator pedophile cousin did to me...   I thought it was all related somehow.

I recall another time in the school yard... I can't remember what grade or age.  I just remember feeling really really lonely for some reason.  I just felt so alone.  I went into the corner of one part of the buildings and just started crying and crying.  And someone must have noticed because a teacher came up and asked what was wrong.  I felt so stupid and dumb so I just said I was cold (I think it was in November or something)...  The well-meaning teacher told me to just move around instead of huddling in the corner of the school, and he made me do some jumping jacks with him and asked if I felt better.  At least this distraction did stop me from crying, so I said, yeah I felt a bit better, and wandered off somewhere else.  I think my usual friend that I hung out with was sick that day or something, so I felt exposed and alone.  I was a one-person friend for the longest time.  I didn't trust a lot of people, I guess.  I hung out with a girl who had 4 sisters! lol  I guess she wanted someone her own age who didn't really have to get looked after.  But I think she also looked at me as though I was a bit of a little sister type.

I also did a foolish thing to her!  I ordered pizza and had it sent to her house.  Fortunately for them, the mother figured out who it was and I had to bring up all my saved allowance and give them $30 for the pizza I had ordered for them.  I was such a follower then!   None of my own brains.  A neighbour boy that we were on friendly terms with brought a bully in the neighbourhood came over to our house when my parents were out (I think they went somewhere for the weekend because I remember they came back after more than one day).  He manipulated me into calling around to different people and ordering pizza.  He said I was too scared, and I would never do it.  I said my mom would get angry, and he said in a taunting manner "Oh do you do everything your mommy tells you?"  So I was so weak and instead of telling him off, I went ahead and did it.  So at least I learned there are consequences for that sort of thing, too.  I just felt really really bad that I had done that to someone who supposedly was such a good friend.  She didn't talk to me again much after that.  I don't blame her.  Mind you she seemed to have developed a keen interest in boys, and that was around age 11 for me, so I think she started pulling away already.   I was always the youngest in my class because I was 4 and a 1/2 when I started school, as my birthday was in December.   Seemed all the girls had some crush on a boy and was fussing about their looks and hair and make-up, except me who didn't care for either boys or messing with my looks.  Odd one out.  That was me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Update... After Falling Back Off the Serenity Train

Lately I have been visiting two support forums...

They both have been immensely helpful...

I am glad to hear from a few people on these forums that I am not the only one going through this. Well I feel bad that they are going through what I am going through, but I feel better that I am not alone...

I had to distance myself from my parents, right? It's almost like instead of them dying and leaving me an orphan, it feels like something inside of me died. And it's sort of like, instead of my parents dying, I let them go, and they are dead to me in a way. Still pretty harsh, right?

So I saw my therapist a couple of times. One of the things he said to me was that this was a healthy decision for me. No doubt about it. The other thing he said was that my intentions were honourable. I was doing this to protect myself. The other thing was, I was not a bad person. Also, there isn't anything I can do about my mother; she is what she is and she refuses to change and I can't change that, so I will have to learn not to dwell on that. He told me to repeat those sorts of statements to myself when I meditate.

It may be a necessary step, but it's a really hard one. Parents tell us things that get stuck in our heads as a way of thinking. We didn't just think it, we lived and breathed it. My therapist explained it this way: even if you know logically that it was not your fault and you had to close them out and walk away just so you could survive and live a healthy life, there is still some kind of recording playing the background (subconscious) that is whispering to you that your healthy choices were
wrong, and that you are a bad person, and that you should feel shame and guilt. So in order to combat this in myself, he suggested I try those positive statements I mentioned earlier, and repeat them, and make my subconscious eventually accept this as habit and truth instead of all the crap that I was raised on. That's gonna take some doing, but I am willing to try anything right now.

It took me years to finally say "ENOUGH!" and I have felt a level of peace I have never had before, but still somewhere deep inside I feel like a jerk. I worry if I did the right thing. I have people who support me, but I don't think they quite understand the turmoil. It's like I logically know that it was healthy to break off from them but I feel something isn't quiet agreeing with my logic...

RECENT NIGHTMARE -- It was post-apocalyptic. Something was wrong with the sky. The moon was out, through the window. I was alone in what I perceived to be my childhood house growing up, and in the dream I might have been around 10 years old. I was scared in this dark house, and it looked trashed, and the garage had the car in it, but my brothers and parents were gone. I kept looking for them but I couldn't find them. Then there was these army-type men intent on rescuing survivors (had night gear on so they could see in the dark, had big guns, boots, helmets, masks, etc)... They came smashing through the house trying to rescue me, because apparently it's not safe to stay long in the houses on the ground in the area where I was abandoned (or survived or whatever reason I was alone). But there was Someone in the house with us. I had always thought there was someone watching me, always fearful. It was less of a Someone and more of a Something. It wanted to eat flesh. It attacked all the army men, amazingly strong, grabbed their legs out from under them and dragged them into dark corners and blood was everywhere. All you could see was another child's arm around one of their throats, or braided hair or a silhouette of a girl about my age. I was so scared I ran into this little bitty crawl-space or little tiny closet, where I was jammed into a little box of a room with the door only about an inch from my face. This girl smashed her arm through the thin wood causing splinters to fly and I just gave up then, and shoved the door back and stuck my arm out for her to bite or grab. But she never grabbed it. She disappeared. Those men who tried to rescue me were all dead and I was alone....

Strange, eh? When I look at it now, I am wondering, was that other little girl (who didn't look like me) my mother? Or my other side of me? Strange that she didn't want to hurt me, but yet wouldn't let me get rescued either. Interesting...

Then, like many of these times that I wake up from a bad dream lately, I then cannot shut off my brain.  Immediately a painful or embarrassing or humiliating memory jumps in there from my past.  Sometimes it seems like quite a shock that I will remember things because...  I honestly thought I had completely forgotten these times.  They aren't as bad as when I was recalling times where I was molested, but they are still enough to make me cringe and make me feel down and aggravate me.  

My psychologist thinks that these memories are coming to the surface for a reason.  Now that I have relaxed somewhat on the Cipralex and with the meditative breathing and such, my brain apparently is deciding that now I can deal with those rough times in the past that I kind of swept under the carpet because I could not handle them at the time they occurred.  So my therapist suggested that I try to reminisce about the past during the day, when I had more control, and to give myself some time to allow myself to be emotional if need be, and to also give myself some time to get back to relaxation before I have to go somewhere like work, or before bed.  So I am taking the opportunity now...

I remember I was in elementary school, it must have been mid-grade around 5 or 6, because this memory was on the side of the school with the younger kids.  The older kids were always on the other side of the school ground and went in the doors there after recess.  I am somewhat confused about the time, because I thought we were in grade 6 or 7, so it is possible that I just happened to be on the other side of the school ground for some reason that I can't recall.

So two older boys from my class confronted me.  It wasn't pleasant.  One of them was a boy who liked the only girlfriend I had.  I remember she had asked me at a party we had been invited to, should she go out with this boy?   She said to me she didn't feel attracted to this boy, but that she liked him and didn't want to hurt his feelings.  She asked me if I was faced with the same decision, would I date this boy or not?  I said well if she didn't really like him, and dated him anyway, it wouldn't be real, and it would be a lie.  So she thanked me for talking to me and apparently turned this boy down.

Well either she told him she had talked to me about it, or he saw her talking to me.  So he and his friend wanted to get some information out of me.  He asked me what I had told her.  I can't remember what I said, I don't even know if I answered.  I just remember feeling afraid as his friend pinned me up against the building (all the other students and teachers had gone into the building because the bell had rung)...   And they were both very close to me, very close.  Too close.

I was wearing winter boots at the time, and they were the "moon boots" with the really big sole about an inch thick or more.  I hauled off and kicked the boy who was interrogating me.  

Later he showed me the huge scab I had caused on the front of his leg.  I might have even apologized, but I noticed I didn't get heck from the teachers, so he hadn't told on me.  So I didn't really feel very bad, because I literally had been frightened about what those two boys were going to do to me.

I think that is enough for today.  I will now listen to some music and calm my thoughts a bit...

Friday, August 12, 2011

So Called "Help" Sites: How to tell the difference between the FAKE help and the NEEDED help...

I must update this Post....  lol  Thank you Violet, I needed that reminder...

How to tell the real help from the fake (and not just the Dr. Phil's of the world, who aren't really licensed psychologists but have TV shows and the like):
10 Ways to Find a Good Therapist

Find a Therapist: or

Helpful info:

Basically if you aren't sure, or you get a bad feeling, the best place to check would be whatever your local board or association of psychology/psychiatric/therapists is called. If you just have a therapist who is under-trained, inexperienced, or doesn't have any expertise in your area of need, look elsewhere. Remember to ASK for specifics when you're shopping around: are they licensed, how many years have they been working, what is their area of expertise? Do they know anything about dysfunctional families, enmeshment, narcissism. Can they resist society's pressure to view the mother as sacred? Can they empower you, can they give you some help with your confidence and assertiveness? Can they refer you to other resources? Do they seem to help you, or do you just find yourself going back again and again and not getting anywhere?

You are the consumer, you are paying for a service. You have the right to ask questions, and you have the right to stop treatment with someone that you don't think is helping you.

Here are some notorious names you need to protect yourself from...
PS: you can also do a google search on "Fake Psychologist" or "Fake Psychiatrist" and you will come across plenty of news articles of people who faked credentials.

Sam Vaknin: poses as a support for Narcissism in various online groups, is a published author, etc... But also has admitted and been diagnosed as being a Psychopath. He is associated with a female follower called Femfree. He definitely has a very unique point of view, and is happy to share his own life experiences on the subject, but be careful not to take everything he says to heart: he is NOT a psychologist or a doctor in the medical sense. He is a highly accomplished Narcissist, but some of what he writes are his own OPININONS, and not necessarily proven or tested in the psychological or medical community. My advice would be to avoid him completely.

Here are some links giving information on Sam Vaknin:

Sites he or Femfree are on:

Sam Vaknin
From Enpsychopedia
In one of his repetitively & compulsivelye posted online articles, Vaknin reveals in his own words the reason he really runs the Narcissism 'Support' Groups all over the net and so on....
"There is nothing to be learned from the answers to these questions because each individual has her own threshold. No, I simply enjoy the momentary ability to inflict traumatic pain (emotional pain - I am not the physical type and will never harm a woman physically). It is as close as I can get to omnipotence. It is the perfect gender revenge.'...

"As a Jew I would have done the same to Nazis. As a victim of a woman, I celebrate with unrestrained glee my ability to degrade women, to humiliate them, to frustrate them, to make them beg for life itself, for they see their (often imagined) relationship with me as life itself. This is why I abstain from sex. This is why I dazzle them with my intellect and charm and wit and knowledge, with unprecedented intrusive interest in their petty, boring, housewivish lives - and then I let go abruptly. At this stage, they are so brittle, so vulnerable that they crash to a million shreds with the crystalline sound of agony."

PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION; please take the time to make up your own mind about the following... I just want to make sure you are aware of these things in case (because of our upbringing) we show a blindspot to some behaviours:

If you ever come across Barbara Mentor, Antoinette Hdic, or Nikki Lebron be advised that although they have many resources and encourage to gather knowledge about Narcissistic Mothers, they have been known to make personal attacks on people.

EXTREME CAUTION:  - Barbara Mentor has made plenty of personal attacks on people who say they are trying to decide on whether to go LC or NC. On some of the groups I have been on, or some of the others, she is not told to stop by the admin staff, but is allowed to run rampant and pretty much run the site as well as make it her personal crusade to bully people into becoming NC. For her it's NC or the highway, although ironically she is apparently still in contact with her Narcissistic husband. Aliases: Camwell, Ness
WARNING: Watch out everyone, I got word from another group that Barbara Mentor has a new group at DoNM Freedom! (Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers)  -- she's hacked into a members of other groups.  This is what Barbara Mentor does when you aren't loyal to her group only...  She hacks your Facebook account...  Barbara Mentor (AKA Barbara Camwell Ness) has been seen in several other groups as members, as well.  She is posting links as Barbara Victim-Survivor.  She has been the cause of groups closing down completely.  She ingratiates herself with some group members by posting huge amounts of useful/helpful information, and also communicates with them in Private Messages and if you don't do what she wants she uses intimidation, shame, and other tactics.  Some of her flying monkeys/associates feel as strongly as her about bullying people to leave their Narcissistic Mother, even when they are not ready to do so.  She will say they are stupid or question their intelligence, or make them feel bad for not leaving right away.  She seems to forget that she is married to a N man.  Somehow she forgets that a daughter leaving an N mother has to have a plan, has to have confidence in herself, has to convince herself she is not a bad daughter for protecting herself, etc: it's a different amount of time for different people.  Some women/children of N mothers actually have to save up money, or move to a woman's shelter.  Some have to get protection orders or move away secretly.  Some fear that their mothers will take their children away from them.  My youngest brother stopped communicating with my parents years before I stopped.  He didn't hold a grudge against me for that.  No one, not Barbara, not your N mother, nobody should tell you to do things you aren't ready to do.

Some more info: caution -- MAY CAUSE TRIGGERS: I think (from some of the information I've been reading) Mary McGrannahan was an unfortunate victim of identity theft and now Barb uses her name and not sure about Sherri Mitchell as there are pictures on the links below and on this site that are identical?? (thanks for that info Melissa)... But here are some more links regarding Barbara Mentor/Barbara Victim-Survivor/Camwell/Ness/Mary/Sherri or whoever's names she's using: same stuff comes up on all websites I've Googled - this person is a hacker, is in trouble with the law for Identity Theft and Fraud and is a psychopath (among some even more unsavory information): I think (from some of the information I've been reading) Mary McGrannahan was an unfortunate victim of identity theft and now Barb uses her name and probably Sherri Mitchell's... (please be advised that some are secure sites and you may have to copy and paste them into a new browser as they will not easily go from Facebook) --- -- -- -- (dead link now) -- -- -- -- --

Sounds about as bad as Sam Vaknin, if you ask me!

Nikki Lebron and Antoinette Hdic: they are sisters. They shut down their Facebook group without warning anyone... Left several hundred members floundering and panicking... It all stemmed from when they, the administrators of their group, very publicly humiliated and smeared Barbara Mentor all over their Facebook Group's wall before unceremoniously banning her from the group. It sent a lot of insecure group members into high alert and stress, and several members left before the group was killed off by the very women that made it. Nikki has her own website at I am not saying do not go to this site, I am just letting you know what happened to me (and possibly others). I was banned from this website because I sent a private message on FB to them stating that I was not impressed by their methods and that it made it look like our support group was perpetuating Narcissistic behaviour. I did not publicly smear them on the FB wall. But I was booted off that website. No explanation. When I emailed back Antoinette to ask if there was a mistake I received no reply. When I attempted to join again I am not responded to. So that was the end of my association with the above ladies mentioned.
Hopefully if you ever happen to meet up with them or use the same support forums you do not encounter this behaviour. Hopefully your experience will be better than mine and several others.
Danu and Light of:
  It has come to my attention recently that several people have been banned for no reason (over the years), or banned for saying they believe in God or whatever religion they are proud to be a part of. I have never been a member of that group, however I have several postings/resources in our Files regarding Narcissism... I did not post things I did not agree with on that website (some of which are contained in the links below), I only posted things that I thought might be helpful to the group...

Here are some people's own testimony/opinion/experience with that website.

If you get any more names, please feel free to add them here in the comments...

Monday, May 9, 2011

THE LETTER TO MY NARCISSISTIC MOTHER; the day after Mother's Day 2011

THE LETTER TO MY NARCISSISTIC MOTHER--------------------------------------
Dear Mom,

I was going to send this to you on Mother's Day, but wanted to wait and think on it a bit more about it before I sent it.

What I want is to be able to feel like you are actually a mother to me. I wanted to get you a card but they all gush about how wonderful mothers are. I wanted to get you flowers, but again, it doesn't reflect how I am feeling right now. I want to love you.

The reason I find it hard to have a relationship with you is because I don't truly believe you are capable of having one with me. You may not realize it, but you project a lot of things on me (and others) and sometimes it's like you are describing yourself when you are talking about other people. You have to be in control every single second. You can't relax. You always seem to be scheming or analyzing. I don't think you realize this but I have felt for quite a long time that you are ill. I have tried to be subtle about persuading you to seek counseling/therapy because of what happened with Robin, but you have told me that you aren't interested in seeking help, and that you give these things to God. When I hear that, it sounds like either an excuse not to seek help, or that you don't think anything is wrong.

You also trouble me because you act one way when it's just you and me, but when Dad is present, you act completely different. You fool him into thinking you never do anything to your children, and he enables you because he won't help us. I think sometimes he fools himself, too. He won't even help himself. Every thought and feeling I had that wasn't the same as yours, you reacted as though having my own mind was wrong. If I tried to think independently you would either have a screaming match with me, or act exasperated, or belittle me, or tell me there must be something wrong with me. You have tantrums when you don't have your way. You will try to get your way, at first by begging and pleading, and then turn around and lash out and get vindictive. And whenever you do something that shocks or offends someone else, you never take responsibility. You make it sound like the ones who are trying to protect themselves are the bad people, simply because they are trying to have the right to have their own opinions and minds and lives. People react negatively to your behaviour because your behaviour is unacceptable. You only feel rejected and angry because of their reactions, but you never seem to realize or accept that you are the cause of these rejections.

I feel really angry and sad that we can't have a normal relationship. It just feels to me that I was mothering you. I've never felt mothered. Sadly, I've felt smothered.

It is my hope that you seek help from a psychiatrist or psychologist. I know this will be hard to accept, because you only see what is wrong with other people and not what is wrong inside yourself. But I pray that you do something to help yourself. Somewhere inside you, it's possible that there is a lost little girl, who thinks somehow that the only way to get love is to make people love you. You think that loving people means controlling them. You have such intense fear that no one will love you that you cling and try manipulate people into being a part of your life. You give gifts that are not gifts: they are tools to manipulate and control. Why do you think I rarely accept things from you anymore? The last time I did accept something, you did just as I suspected. You wanted us to do something for you.

On some level I really love you. But that's probably why I am so sad and angry. If I wasn't, it would be because I didn't care. But because of things you've done and continue to do, I am offering you something you can do for your children, or at least me, your daughter. So don't try to tell me I'm "too sensitive" and ask me if it is my "time of the month" and don't offer me drugs to "help ease my mind." Those are methods that undermine me and belittle my feelings and prevent me from standing up for myself. The reason I feel how I feel is not because of things I have done or because of my body chemistry. I feel those things because you affect me. It's called "gaslighting" when you try to deceive me into thinking it is my fault for me reacting negatively to your negative behaviour.

Right now I still do not have the strength to pick up the phone and call you. If I try to talk to you verbally about this, you are still very good at pushing my buttons and manipulating me. I don't want to argue with you anymore about who is right and wrong. If it is that important for you to be right all the time, if you won't seek help because you don't want to admit there is anything wrong with the way you think and how you handle emotions, then you are effectively sealing yourself off from me. You have lost a lot of friends and family for the same reason and now you have moved to another part of the country in a desperate attempt to latch onto some more friends. I wonder how long it will last if you keep up your same habits.

I am not going to wait around for a reply forever either. I want to hear a response from you within a month: please let me know via email by the beginning of June: Are you seeking assistance from a therapist? Yes or no? And when will you be starting? I don't want you saying you are "going to" seek help, because at some point you will suddenly be distracted by something and then "forget." I may require some proof that you are seeking help. If you value your relationship with me, you will do this small thing. It's not just for me, either, it is for you. Call this an intervention if you want. How is someone who is ill going to be able to perceive something is wrong with them? If your reality filters are broken how can you tell what you feel is in fact based on reality? I swear, hearing you talk sometimes, it's like you are either creating your own reality and believing your fake world is the true one, or else you are a very adept actress and smooth operator. You could have a room full of people looking at a piece of fruit on the table, and it's an apple, but you could convince everyone to say it's an orange because you say it is. They will either say it's an orange because they are tired of arguing with you, or because you make them doubt themselves. You are relentless. I have been wanting to tell you for years. I was just afraid to confront you in person about it because you are not a predictable person. And I have no more energy for you to suck out of me. I am on my last reserves, so I cannot afford to lose anymore in an argument over the phone with you, or hear your exasperated voice, like I am somehow less worthy of your attention and you have better things to do. Or your tone of voice that makes it sound like you think I am the crazy one. Well, you did manage to make me crazy. I have very low self-esteem, and I second-guess myself a lot. I kept making bad relationship choices (until I met David) and work choices. I lost myself: I wanted to please everyone else because I was never supposed to please myself, I was only supposed to do what you wanted and passively do it. That wore me right out till I felt like a skinless spineless skeleton. I've only recently been growing back my skin and spine.

It may not be entirely your fault, as some of these behaviours may be caused by the way you were raised. I remember when you said to me that you always felt that you had to compete with your brother and sisters, that you always had to get affection by doing things instead of just being loved for who you are. If that is the case, then I know exactly how you feel. Your mom was ill, and so is mine. So do something about it, but not by yourself and not with your physician, and not with a priest, and not with self-medicating. I want you to talk to someone who is a psychiatrist or a psychologist. I don't care how often you go per month but I hope at least one time a month, minimum. I just don't want you to go one time and then if the therapist says something you don't want to hear, then you refuse to keep going. After you have gone a few times try to open up about things. And whatever way you want to do it: either just you go, or you and Dad go.

Good luck and no matter what happens, I will always have a place for you in my heart.

- Holly -
MOM'S REPLY (my responses are -- italicized --)   ------------------------------------
Dear Holly,

Oh, how I have loved you. From the very first day I saw you. I continued to love you. I could tell you a zillion wonderful real life stories about you and the beautiful baby, active toddler, loving and kind and happy and smart in school when you arrived there. You sang and jumped, and played with the crickets. When I raised you I did not know how to stand up for myself, either, so I didn’t know how to teach you. You were a wonderful student all through school and look at you. You went on to university and got one of the first degrees of any Cunningham or Soper on either side of the family. You have accomplished so much! -- Wow, gushy! --

And you know what else: you are also such a loving, generous person to others with a real hospitality in your home and with your friends.

-- Here's where she turns this around to make this MY fault -- Did you know that with some serious depression, knowing all your accomplishments doesn’t necessarily help? The psychologist I had didn’t know that. The psychiatrist did. I was suicidal and depressed only once in my life, but I had no meds until I saw a psychiatrist. A person’s spouse’s hands are tied. They try to help but it doesn’t usually work in a serious chemical imbalance. -- I think she means that my dad's hands were tied because he didn't know what to do -- This depression had come about when we had a new baby -- my middle brother -- had not slept before the new baby’s birth and even at 4 yrs was still not sleeping. I literally was deprived of sleep for too long because of a child’s chemical imbalance. I know I wasn’t a bad person, as you seem to infer. -- I don't think I inferred anywhere that she was a bad person for dealing with my brother Chris --

When you were an adult, I did notice that when you came to our house, occasionally you’d clamp up whenever something was discussed. -- that's for sure -- But I had hoped we could, if not always agree, at least agree to disagree, -- her idea of 'agree to disagree' is akin to 'swallowing emotions' or 'forgiving each other and moving on as though nothing happened because that's what family does' -- but of course only after you gave your whole-hearted opinion, which you didn’t. David does it so freely. He’ll say, “No disrespect intended, but this is how I see it…” and gives his opinion wholeheartedly. Most families can agree to disagree. By the way, I never had to compete with my siblings. I did work hard to gain self-esteem by working hard. The only person I may have competed with was myself, from time to time. -- she is directly contradicting words I heard her say -- I did need to learn not to work so hard, or at least to take lots of rest at intervals and love myself in those rest periods.

I did see a psychologist once during a depression I went through. I was helped some but it took about two years to come out of it fully. A psychiatrist would have been better, perhaps. I did not tell you this, but by the time you told me you wanted me to see a psychiatrist/psychologist about Robin and Grace, I already had. -- she seems not to remember but she, in fact, did tell me that she had seen a psychologist once already -- She informed me that obviously, no matter what Dad & I tried to do to show our love for Rob and Grace, it would never get through to them, so we should stay away from them for at least 6 months to give matters a rest and us a rest. -- however apparently she still would call my brother and sister-in-law constantly, is their side of the story, until they finally blocked her -- When Dad & I stayed away, we had to not see them when we went to Edmonton in order to follow the psychologist’s advice. No one is all bad or all good. Them nor us. -- I remember when my brother had planned a visit to my gramma's and of course this was supposed to happen simultaneously when my mom and dad showed up, so apparently my mom caused a bit of havoc and guilt amongst my relatives because she was quite self-pitying and claiming she didn't want to cause trouble, so apparently they drove around for a while --

At an earlier time, I also saw the psychologist re: Robin’s always being ill for six years with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and pressures at my workplace. After I left the correctional centre a year and a half later, there was a grand exit of 6 nurses at once; they left for the same reasons I did. You cannot say I brought those troubles on myself. You would have to blame the other 6 nurses too. -- I don't know why she thinks I am blaming her for leaving that jail; I actually told her I was all for her leaving. I agreed with her that was an awful place to begin with and a poisoned work environment with management --

Please do not assume you know everything about what I have said or done in other people’s relationships. You’ve visited and heard other family opinions about Dad and me but seldom heard any of the things they said or did to Dad & me. If you did hear, you might see things differently. But we chose to keep it private. -- naturally convenient, because everything they do is kept private. And I do know some of my mom's version of things that she claimed, but it's never the truth, so how is one supposed to believe the Narcissist's side of the story? lol ---

You cannot coerce anyone to see a psychologist or psychiatrist by giving the person an ultimatum. Personally, I believe if someone is depressed, a psychiatrist is best because they can tell when medication is needed to bring about healing. A regular general practitioner has to believe I need a psychiatrist, which right now at present is not the case. -- nice... Now I am the one trying to coerce her --

Dad and I have been saying for years that we wanted to move here to BC. -- I know that, but they never ever told us they were buying property, or that they were renting out a place there for a couple years. That info was sprung on us three months before they were actually moving. I was quite surprised that she kept that info to herself for so long, and wonder why she kept it to herself -- It has nothing to do with anyone. -- oh, really? -- We have been visiting old friends here since age 21 and 23. It almost sounds like you want our move to be a failure. You went to the US and we wished you well. -- no she didn't. She was telling my brothers BS about David and also ended up coming to visit because of course then they get to go to Florida free of charge. We called them ONE time for a small loan of about $300, but because we were now married and on our own she decided no, we should figure things out on our own. All I needed was to pay our rent on time because my first paycheque was delayed. It was more like 'well, you deserted us, so you don't get any help from us.' So guess who helped instead? My husband's mother. Yet she feeds and clothes my middle brother and has spent thousands of dollars cleaning up his debt for him and bought him a car and bought him groceries. -- Can you not do that for us? From my experience with depression, I would say if you get suicidal thoughts the psychologist is putting a person at risk by not referring them to a psychiatrist. Psychologists and psychiatrists are often only as good as their own personal level of growth and maturity. Please get a good one. You’re worth it. -- oh brother, I totally do not feel suicidal, I don't know why she thinks I am ---

Finally, consider taking a copy of your e-mail that you wrote to me, to your counselor and this letter, too. -- well, here it is folks... I'm baring my soul (and my parents' souls)... What do you think? Do I still need the therapy? -- You are going through a really big growth period right now. I only know because I’ve been there. It’s lake having huge waves almost knocking you down and drowning you. During that time, you are barely catching your breath, it seems, but with good support the water does go back gradually and one finds oneself in a new place, a new beginning. During that first part, your friends (or, for that matter, your relatives) may look like your enemies. But afterwards you’ll know who really are your friends. I found myself reading some everyday language book by Carl Jung. He sees depression as the storm before the growth and happiness and development of opposite new sides to one’s personality. -- Ok, so now she's talking to me as though I am a nut and that I need help because of course it's ME not her that needs the help. Classic --

Sometimes a physical problem can lead to depression. Dr. VanRooyen could check that out for you. For example, your Dad is feeling better since he got off the coricosteroid inhaler he was on for so many years. You’re on one, too. -- again, always offering expert advice: I'm a big girl and I've talked to my doctor several times about my medications and still talk to him about them --

Search with God for answers. He’s always looking to find you; do you ever look back? He loves you and is the only source of real strength if we but ask. Consider the prayer of Footsteps. But if suicidal thoughts or other thoughts of self-harm hit you – get immediate psychiatric help to get meds. Please don’t risk your life for one minute. -- Here we go. Gotta throw religion into the mix --

Now, at present, I do take a mild regular dose of anti-anxiety meds daily for the rest of my life and I have no shame about that. Meds are one type of healing included in all of God’s gifts of healing types. I feel well on this. It is from the general practitioner originally being Dr. VanRooyen. Please be certain I know myself well enough now that if that were not working I’d ask for help. There is a history of chemical imbalance on both sides of the family, so anyone in the family need not feel any shame about this. Would we feel shame about any other chemical imbalance: diabetus for example? I know this is a very, very tough journey, but you can find the answers. You will find the answers! -- Well, that's very comforting, coming from her --

Lastly, we continue to love you, hope for you, pray for you. Please believe that.we simply do not have the answers for you but with God’s strength if you turn and receive it you will find the answers yourself. Then in the future do give your opinion, but try not to assume it’s not important to me. Of course we may differ, but will, if necessary, agree to disagree. I believe some of the time we do agree. Best of all, you’ll stop being your own worst judge. -- sigh - This may be what she's gone through or is going through, not what I am going through--

Please, though, not a whole lifetime of resentments at one time. Try one issue at a time and I can handle it and so could you. If later you wish to write an e-mail about one issue at a time, hey, I want to be a better listener. Please, I invite you to voice your opinions wholeheartedly but not aggressively, instead, assertively. I know I can’t take another letter like this last one that you sent Your DR./Psychologist can give you info on assertiveness. -- It's tempting to send her some single instances of her behaviour over the years a bit at a time so she can easily digest things. However, I get the feeling this is more of a ploy to keep in contact with me, and I have the feeling if I attempt to show her the wrongness in a situation or my feelings, instead of her apologizing, she'll turn around and say that I misinterpreted it or make excuses of why she acted that way -- so it won't be her fault again --

Love Mom

P.S. your beautiful pink lily for Mother’s Day brought tears of happiness to my eyes!They reminded me of you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please take time yourself before you write again. -- that was the only thing I sent her for Mother's Day --

PS We fully intend to still give you that 10,000$ when we are able We had tried to sell Edward and had it on the market and really wanted to be able to let you know where things stood, but you totally squashed that with the statement:” Don’t ever talk to us about the rentals again!” We have and will respect that until you tell us differently. We felt totally caught in a bind. -- nice deflection, now it's also my fault that they 'couldn't tell me about selling that property.' And that property is of course still not sold and I will probably not ever be told if it is now  --

DAD'S REPLY-------------------------------------------

It’s hard to know where to start, but I’ve got to get something down because my life’s on hold until I do. I can’t seem to concentrate on anything else while I stew about this – the e-mail’s piling up, now the printer doesn’t work, there are all sorts of other things I should be attending to but can’t seem to focus on until I get this thing out of my head.

Characterizations of your mother as crazy and conniving and of your father as befuddled and delusional aside, it must be pretty obvious to you that if we really are crazy, we’re hardly likely to seek psychiatric help. And if we’re not crazy, we’re still not very likely to seek psychiatric help, even when given an ultimatum from a child of ours. That can only mean you are putting us in an impossible position in order to justify in your own mind whatever the unspoken threat is that you’ve implied in your ultimatum. -- wow, I didn't even mean it as a threat, I just was desperate to try to get them to do something; backfired I guess --

As you know, the computer/Internet are my domain, and utterly foreign to your mother. -- the hell it is: she was already mucking around and invading his emails as soon as I said I wasn't going to be calling anymore to protect myself -- It took her two or three days of grueling effort to do her reply on the computer; it just isn’t her medium, just as I abhor the telephone and am very uncomfortable in that medium. And, actually, most people are quite different online than they are in person, so cyberspace isn’t necessarily the best medium to discuss the deeper issues of life. -- oh no, that's why it's so much better to talk on the phone so that she can push my buttons --

In fact, I really obsessed for a couple of days as to whether I should even show your e-mail to Mom, but in the end it was clear that hearing from you was too important to her, even if it was a devastating bombshell. However, considering the effect it has had on both of us, I would have to say any future long, rambling “you’re crazy and you’ve wrecked my life” e-mail will have to go directly to the Trash bin, and I probably won’t even tell Mom about it. Neither of us feel we deserve this.

As you can see from her reply, she has undertaken to defend us against your accusations and explain our actions, as well as offer suggestions for your own well-being. I, however, feel that we are under no obligation to do that, and it would be a waste of time anyway, as your mind is made up and anything we say can and will be used against us.

I miss you, although displaying your art around the house helps, and I can only hope you find a measure of peace and happiness in whatever way you find works best for you.


My observation: 
-- Well, there's the proof: it didn't work out. In fact, it backfired a bit. I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm disappointed anyway. If anything, I was more surprised by my dad's reply than mom's. I can see he's totally taken in by her and jumps to her defense, as usual.

My first thought was not to reply at all and just let things be. Ya know, throw in the white flag. I've gone to therapy about this stuff already, in fact that was part of the reason I sent that note in the first place: I thought of it as a catalyst for me, and something I thought should be said for a long time... 
 (my former therapist's reply after I emailed this to him for his 'unprofessional' opinion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi Holly;

First off, wow. Suitably generic response to so much, hard to boil down my non-generic response. Your letter was great but given everything you have told me about your mother and father, her response was predictable. She just put up a rubber wall and everything you told her bounced right back, really she did not acknowledge you had any reason at all to doubt or question her behaviour. She essentially did not answer you, just threw up a cloud of sweetness and light. If someone else (her intended audience, it almost seemed) were to read her response they might think “Well, what’s Holly talking about? She seems just wonderful!” But she didn’t answer anything you said except to state, indirectly, that you needed a psychiatrist/psychologist more than she did. She can’t admit fault or blame or even (and this is the crucial point) doubt about anything. It’s a self-administered whitewash. Pure narcissism. I’m sorry to write that, but that is all I could glean from her letter. And at the end, the money thing just thrown in as an afterthought is like a purchase offer: Keep in touch and you can get the 10 grand. It was so innocently yet blatantly thrown in there at the end it caught me off guard because I had to check whether she or you had made much reference to it earlier on but it comes out of nowhere. Holly, she can’t do any better than this but to throw a blanket over top of everything you tried to tell her because, honestly, I don’t think she knows what you are talking about in your letter. If she engages in this process on a daily basis, she can’t just stop and she won’t ever see her actions in the way you and your brother have. In short, in her mind she’s innocent and you are asking her acknowledge guilt. I don’t think she can do it, I think her view of her actions is as coloured as anyone’s by seeing herself as the irreproachable heroine of her own drama. She will take drugs to change how she feels, but she will not examine her own actions or motivations.

In short, she cannot do what you are asking. She is not, as we say in the trade, psychologically minded. She is psychologically defended. If she was able, she would have doubt and ask “But what did I DO!” She never once asked you what you meant by your letter. She never even considered the possibility she was wrong about anything. But if she saw a shrink, she would get nothing out of it. She can’t present your version of the truth because she believes she is blameless. In her mind and her version of truth, she is blameless.

And, it follows, your father believes her unreservedly. He would have to, to live with her and love her.

I am not sure what else you can do, or say, to get through to her. She can’t hear you.  You can love her as she is, this is the best she can do. We are all narcissists to some degree, but most of us can acknowledge the possibility we are wrong, misguided or selfish. When a person cannot to such an extent as this then all those around them carry that burden for them and their certainty takes on a pathological air. All people who question their perceptions are sane; all those who cannot are a little or a lot crazy. PS her preference for meds over self-examination is a tell.
My response to my former therapist:
Well, that's what I thought.  Thanks for validating.
I'm pretty cool with what you said probably partially because that is exactly how I feel about things, too.
I love her, but to protect myself from her I have decided at this time not to communicate with her.
You don't get noisy notifications on your phone everytime I reply to these, do you??   I didn't mean for you to feel you had to reply right away.
I think since I've blocked her phone and blocked their FB, I will likely do the same for email.  Don't want any interruptions in my Zen.
Thank you and have an awesome rest of your weekend.  8) 